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Russia Takes on the Pastafarians 27 Aug 2013 | 08:53 am
I’ve always thought that the joke about the Great Spaghetti Monster was a touch on the leaden side, but compared with Russia’s response to the “Pastafarians”… NBC reports: MOSCOW, Russia — The march...
Chávez: Still With us? 25 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Cross-posted on the Corner: The Financial Times reports: [Venezuelan president Maduras] campaigned on the basis that his predecessor spoke to him in the form of a little bird. Last week, he admitted...
More the rapture proponent radio show related news:
May 21 2011 Judgement Day 12 May 2011 | 08:15 am
May 21 2011 Judgement Day – Is the day of Judgement come on 21 May 2011? A group of Christians with a radio show is to spread the word that the Rapture happens this month, and you’d better be prepared...