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Legal loansharks encourage Scots to fall into debt 20 Aug 2013 | 04:19 pm
This article was published in Third Force News on the 16th of August. When a £200 Christmas loan becomes a £5000 debt, Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale says it is time for the Scottish Government to tackle d... Announces Acquisition of the Cheesman Group – Industry Expert, Joel Cheesman, to Join Team as Senior Vice President 10 Sep 2009 | 12:09 pm
PHOENIX, ARIZONA – September 9, 2009 – announced today its acquisition of The Cheesman Group, including the recruitment industry’s leading third party news and opinion website,
VIDEO: Dr Liam Fox in Afghanistan 17 Aug 2010 | 03:14 am
BFBS Forces News interviewed Dr Liam Fox during his recent visit to Afghanistan.
The Week in Afghanistan | British Forces News 16 Apr 2013 | 03:53 pm
The Week in Afghanistan | British Forces News The latest round-up of news from British Forces in Afghanistan. The Week in Afghanistan is shown on BFBS1 every Sunday at 0900hours UTC.
ANN7: Worst news reader of the lot on DStv's third local news channel can't read or pronounce; creates non-sensical sentences as she bumbles on. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:05 am
We have a winner! So intensely bad is this ANN7 news reader on Gupta News that barely anything she says makes sense. Watch this face. Remember it. When you see her, remember: Nothing will make sense, ...
Ochberg Fellow at Center of Spying Case 6 Aug 2013 | 01:29 am
As unchecked government surveillance continues to surface, Dart Center Ochberg Fellow Jon Stephenson, a correspondent for the third-largest news service in the U.S., finds himself at the center of a n...
Animal Control Officer retires after 30 years on patrol 27 Aug 2013 | 04:08 pm
BANGOR, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- For 30 years, Pat Pinkham has been the animal control officer for the city of Bangor. On Friday, she will be calling it quits and retiring from the force. NEWS CENTER's ...
iYogi-lands-$15M-to-take-remote-technical-support-to-the-next-level 10 Apr 2012 | 10:11 pm
iYogi in the news Get the latest iYogi lands $15M to take remote technical support to the next level Remote tech support company, iYogi has secured $15 million in third-round funding led by Draper ...
Technical News - 18 February 2012 19 Feb 2012 | 06:04 am
Google and Apple Make Mobile Privacy an Oxymoron February 18, 2012 The very nature of cloud-based software is that we're sharing our content with a remote server. Syrian forces fire on anti-Assad cr...
Technical News - 15 December 2011 16 Dec 2011 | 06:03 am
U.S. military marks end to nearly nine bloody years in Iraq December 15, 2011 BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces formally ended their nine-year war in Iraq on Thursday with a low key flag ceremony in Ba...