Most this date rock history related news are at:

2013 – reported today that Richie Sambora was fired from Bon Jovi on This Day in Rock! 23 Aug 2013 | 12:02 am
2013 – reported today that Richie Sambora was fired from Bon Jovi on This Day in Rock! Officially, there is no confirmation for this, but there is obviously problems on the Bon Jovi world...
2013 – Paul McCartney wins back song rights from Michael Jackson on This Day in Rock Music History! 15 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
2013 – Paul McCartney wins back song rights from Michael Jackson on This Day in Rock Music History! 30 years ago, Michael Jackson outbid secretly at auction Paul McCartney on his own songs from the Be...
More this date rock history related news:
10 COOL GUITAR INTROS 1 Dec 2010 | 05:56 pm
Whether it’s a solo, a riff, or a single chord that hangs suspended in the air like a pregnant pause, a great guitar intro can set the tone for an entire song. Rock history is loaded with terrific exa...
The True Date of America’s Declaration of Independence: Fact, Fiction, Myth 3 Jul 2011 | 02:58 am
Signatures Came on July 2, 1776 Declaration Not Signed By Most Everyone Until August 2, 1776 and Some Later On This Date in History: 235 years ago, a group of 56 men faced the gallows for what they ...
100 Years of the Indy 500 Began With the Dream of a Visionary 30 May 2011 | 10:14 am
40 cars lined up for the 1st Indy 500; The Winner Started in the 28th position-no winner has started farther back On This Date In History: Not all success stories are college graduates or even colleg...
Mother’s Day, aka Mothering Sunday 9 May 2011 | 09:13 am
Nothing Says "Mom" Better than Whistler's Mother. What Was the Post Office Thinking? On This Date in History: I had always assumed that Mother’s Day was invented by some card company like Hallma...
Appomattox and Marian Anderson: Symbolic Irony of History 9 Apr 2011 | 02:59 pm
Don't Buy Real Estate From This Man! On This Date in History: Wilmer McLean was a Virginia grocer. He probably did fairly well at his craft. But, he didn’t have much luck when it came to real es...
Ginger or Mary Ann? 12 Feb 2011 | 01:50 pm
A Long Way From Gilligan's Island NOT my grandmother...but it is Tatiana On This Date in History: If I am not mistaken, Elizabeth Carter Symon was born on this date in 1898. My grandmother li...
Disaster Comes When Men Go To the Wrong House 27 Jan 2011 | 12:03 pm
Pinkerton Logo Coined the Term "Private Eye" On This Date in History: A few years ago, Snow White and I were walking from Papa Johns Stadium and some event,,,probably a football game. We were walking...
The Prospect of a Cold Guarantee is a Stone Cold Lock 24 Jan 2011 | 10:43 am
Does This Look Like the Coldest Place in the United States? Alaska Jan. Mean Min Temperatures 1971-2000 On This Date in History: At this point in the winter season, data from the National Snow Anal...
Falkland Islands: Nothing More Than a Symbol of Pride 23 Jan 2011 | 10:30 am
May 14 1979 Time Magazine Proved To Be a Prophecy...but for what? On This Date in History: In the early 1980′s, there was a much publicized war between Argentina and Great Britain over a tiny group ...
Twilight: New Moon-Inspired Music Video by Former Fleetwood Mac Frontwoman Stevie Nicks 18 Oct 2011 | 06:36 am
The iconic woman behind the band Fleetwood Mac and one of the most legendary artists in rock history has released a song and music video inspired by New Moon. Stevie Nicks, who has been just as... Fu...