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East Brunswick High School grads Air Force Academy bound 22 Jun 2011 | 05:52 am
EAST BRUNSWICK Two brothers who graduated East Brunswick High school will be attending the United States Air Force Academy this fall. Michael B. Spiotta and Thomas E. Spiotta, who also attended the U...
Chronicle (2012) 28 Dec 2011 | 10:15 pm
Chronicle (2012) Not Yet Rated, Thriller Drama Sci-Fi Director: Josh Trank Writers: Max Landis Stars: Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly and Alex Russell Three high school friends gain superpowers aft...
J.P. Morgan Chase Scholarship Program 2 Mar 2012 | 05:26 am
High school seniors who are graduating this year and plan to pursue a four-year course from any of the five boroughs are invited to apply for the J.P. Morgan Chase’s Thomas G. Labrecque Smart Start Sc...
Now Fitz….this isn’t very civil is it? Free speech is one thing but…. 23 Apr 2012 | 12:04 pm
High school graduate Jesse Kelly defeated a Harvard educated Air Force pilot, a nice American named Dave Sitton and Frank “Spank me, I’m bad” Antenori. Now that the fat lady has sung and the primary i...
TMW-KAHS News 1 Jul 2010 | 01:31 pm
Thomas Mack Wilhoite - Kenitra American High School June 30th, 2010 Hello everyone, This month’s birthday celebrants: July 1, James Jones (Class of 1972), Email: July 1, Le...
March 2012 Teacher Grant Winners 6 Apr 2012 | 06:44 am
CapEd awards 9 teacher grants this month. Congratulations to: Becky Woodland and Matt Rutte of Borah High School, Jamie Brunmeier of Thomas Jefferson Charter School in Caldwell, Dennis Lenz and Ang...
Hanging Out With... Luka Kelly 28 May 2012 | 11:24 am
Luka Kelly is a Toronto-based crafter, metalhead and maker-lady extraordinaire who just also happens to be an old high school friend. She runs an Etsy shop, Hellhound Fashion, where she sells kitschy ...
Perfect Harmony 22 May 2012 | 07:11 am
Kelly Corcoran has always been passionate about singing. As a little girl, the Springfield, Mass., native took voice lessons and dreamed of being an opera singer someday. After high school, she studie...
New Orleans hosts its first ‘Mentoring in Medicine’ Day 31 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
7th may 2012 · 0 Comments By Kelly ParkerContributing Writer Despite the dark clouds and drizzle, the theme on Saturday, April 21, was the sky’s the limit; as area high school students took part...
Homecoming hoopla... 28 Oct 2009 | 02:24 am
While Kenya and I were in Utah celebrating Kelli's wedding, back home Dana Hills High School was celebrating Homecoming...I was a bit sad that I was missing out on the boys committed ...