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1000 Islands Fall Events 20 Aug 2013 | 07:58 pm
Here’s a quick look at some autumn events in the Thousand Islands. Boldt Castle Wine Festival & Farmers Market, Sat., Sept. 21 We can’t think of a better place to enjoy locally made wines than majes...
Rockport Cruises Fireworks Cruise 18 Jul 2013 | 11:32 pm
More thousand islands ny related news:
Happy St Patrick’s Day from PS 22 and Celtic Woman 28 Mar 2012 | 09:21 pm
The girls took time out from their 2012 BELIEVE tour to visit and sing with the very talented Staten Island, NY PS22 Chorus. Check out our video section to see their performance!
Monday Morning Antidote: Thousands in NY City Commute in Their Underwear 13 Mar 2012 | 02:15 am
What's the deal with thousands of people in their underwear riding the New York subway system? We thought you'd like to rethink your Monday morning commute... Check it out.
Q&A: A picture tells 1,000 words - and Islands 27 May 2012 | 04:44 am
Twenty years ago, Ian Coristine stumbled upon the Thousand Islands completely by chance. An experienced pilot, Coristine set out in his Challenger Ultralight float plane from Hudson, Quebec with no de...
Latest News on Pinay Celebrities 2 Feb 2011 | 01:38 pm
Philippines is a country of good story tellers. Even before the 16th century when the Spaniards colonized the thousand-island country, indigenous Filipinos were already very good story tellers. Histor...
Information for your travel to Bali 28 May 2012 | 03:53 pm
When you traveling to a beautiful island of Bali as one of the names that immediately come to mind. Bali is one of seventeen thousand islands that Indonesia and known as a paradise for tourists worldw...
Kind of late But Hey guys! 28 May 2012 | 09:29 pm
Hello Griefers Bay my name is xStrykerPro. You can call me David or Stryker for short. I live on Long Island, NY, born and raised. I started to play minecraft at the age of 13, (I'm 15 now) ever since...
Croatia UNESCO Heritage Sailing 9 Jan 2012 | 06:16 am
Croatia, a Mediterranean country blessed with a thousand islands, crystal clear sea and architectural heritage that spans through millenniums, is one of the most attractive sailing destinations in the...
Vietnam’s Islands 30 Jun 2011 | 11:24 pm
From limestone archipelagos to tropical hideaways Vietnam has around three thousand islands, mostly clustered in large and small groups. They range from tiny rocky pinnacles that scarcely break the su...
Marco Island 21 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
Just south of Naples is charming laid back Marco Island, a haven for those seeking a more secluded island lifestyle. With the Ten Thousand Islands to the south, The Everglades to the east and the Gulf...
Marco Island 21 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
Just south of Naples is charming laid back Marco Island, a haven for those seeking a more secluded island lifestyle. With the Ten Thousand Islands to the south, The Everglades to the east and the Gulf...