Most three mighty kings in psalm related news are at:
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Reading strategies 25 Aug 2013 | 04:06 am
I have been reading with great delight Psalms through the Centuries by Susan Gillingham. This book summarizes in just over 300 pages the reception history of the psalms under five broad headings: com...
Psalm 109 - Theology 21 Aug 2013 | 09:48 pm
Nice place to start, eh? Maybe you have not read Psalm 109 recently. In some Psalters, it is truncated to 15 verses with the guts removed, Hebrew verses 6 to 20. The situation is in fact far more tha...
More three mighty kings in psalm related news: 24 Feb 2010 | 11:12 pm
HANDLING LIFE’S TROUBLES Jehoshaphat was a good king. He worked hard with integrity to lead God’s people God’s way. One day, from out of nowhere, three enemies formed a mighty alliance and came toget...
Psalm 7 (Victory Malate) by Nixon Ng 21 Aug 2013 | 02:51 am
God is mighty to save! Know how God is a God who vindicates us in week three of “More than a Song.”