Most thriller live tour related news are at:

Thriller Live Kids Week 9 Aug 2013 | 10:40 am
Wednesday 7th August saw the return of Kids Week to the Lyric Theatre! Thriller Live Kids Week gives kids the opportunity to learn a dance routine with cast members of Thriller Live, this week the ico...
Thriller Live at West End Live 28 Jun 2013 | 05:30 am
On the weekend of 22-23rd June Thriller Live took part in the 9th annual festival West End LIVE, which took place in the iconic setting of Trafalgar Square. The festival brings entertainment from some...
More thriller live tour related news:
أعلنـ عن كـونسـرتـ Ongaku Gatas الجـديـد 17 Dec 2009 | 04:10 am
كــونســرتـ Ongaku Gatas الجـديـد لـ 2010 تمـ الأعلآنـ عنهـ بأسمـ Ongaku Gatas Live Tour Spring 2010 ~Gatas Ryuu~ أغربـ الفـآنـز أستغـربـوآ لأن أخـر خبـر سمعنـآهـ لهمـ هو أخر سنغل لهمـ “Come Togethe...
UVERworld「UVERworld LIVE TOUR 2012」セットリスト よこすか芸術劇場 2012年5月28日(月) 29 May 2012 | 02:59 am
アーティスト:UVERworld (ウーバーワールド) ライブ:UVERworld LIVE TOUR 2012 会場:よこすか芸術劇場 日程:2012年5月28日(月) 1.KINJITO 2.7th Trigger 3.パニックワールド 4.NO.1 5.BABY BORN & GO 6.勝者臆病者 7.6つの風 8.バーベル 9.ゼロの答 10.いつか必ず死ぬことを...
Karen Aoki Live Tour – Okinawa 2012 7 May 2012 | 02:10 am Experience Japanese Jazz Singer Karen Aoki live in Okianwa with pianist Hiroshi Ito at COTONOHA Artspace + Café on Sunday, May 20, 2012. The spectacular event, entitled “Salon de Karen Ao...
「曼哈顿2010罗志祥 舞法舞天3D WORLD LIVE TOUR」 13 Mar 2010 | 02:17 am
「曼哈顿2010罗志祥 舞法舞天3D WORLD LIVE TOUR」在5月16日(日)下午2点在台北小巨蛋再加演1场!而为了让粉丝体验「裸视3D」的超强震憾与爆发力,罗志祥除开始请健身教练展开秘密特训,并且也与编舞老师设计更多能让粉丝体验3D魅力的高难度舞步,还准备继上次演唱会挑战舞王经典后,特别设计一段向华语歌坛3天后:张惠妹、萧亚轩与蔡依林致敬的表演! 罗志祥除了将演唱「阿妹」张惠妹的「火...
罗志祥“2010曼哈顿舞法舞天3D WORLD LIVE TOUR” 10 Feb 2010 | 03:11 am
“亚洲舞王”罗志祥的“2010曼哈顿舞法舞天3D WORLD LIVE TOUR”将于 5月15日在台北小巨蛋正式登场!这是罗志祥继“一支独秀”之后又一全新的企划内容,除了结合好莱坞电影工业带动的、最IN的“3D”(Three Dimensional)特效,罗志祥还得意透露:“我也将以领先全球,以‘3D裸视’的进阶技术,诠释《潮男正传》与《罗生门》这2张专辑的歌曲,带给歌迷们比电影《阿凡达》还要酷...
Compilacion DVD iso 25 Sep 2011 | 08:02 pm
Largo tiempo desde la ultima actualizacion,pero aquí las ultimas adquisiciones para completar su colección: 『KOTOKO LIVE TOUR 2004 WINTER ~★Happy White X'mas★~』 (DVD 02) Formato:DVDR5 Region:All NTS...
compilacion DVD 25 Sep 2011 | 07:04 pm
Largo tiempo desde la ultima actualizacion,pero aquí las ultimas adquisiciones para completar su colección: 『KOTOKO LIVE TOUR 2004 WINTER ~★Happy White X'mas★~』 (DVD 02) Formato:DVDR5 Region:All NTS...
Capa do DVD KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2011~Dejavu~ divulgada! 29 Dec 2011 | 01:14 pm
A capa do DVD da turnê Dejavu de 2011 da Koda Kumi acaba de ser divulgada. Com data de lançamento para 8 de fevereiro nas versões blu-ray e DVD Setlist: 【DISCO 1】 01. POP DIVA 02. Black Candy 03....
Rome, Italy, Vatican Live Tours 26 May 2012 | 07:51 pm
Have you dreamed of touring Vatican City and seeing the beautiful museums and sites in the most unique city in the world? Make your trip to Rome the most memorable it can be by taking a live Vatican T...
X Factor Live Tour tickets up for grabs at Sing Bingo 27 Sep 2011 | 10:25 pm
Sing Bingo, as you may know, is somewhat of a themed online bingo site. The site is mad for anything to do with music, singing and stardom, so you can imagine how much its players love The X Factor! ...