Most throw angle game as3 related news are at:
– Benoit Freslon's Blog - Indie Game Designer
EnigmBox – On the AppStore – free download 13 Jul 2013 | 04:10 pm
EnigmBox - Think outside the box to solve creative puzzles After 3 months of intensive development here the iOS version of the famous series Take Something Literally. It’s my last indie game. I desi...
Flash tip: Advanced trace output in Flash ActionScript 3.0, Class name, function name and line number 13 Jul 2013 | 03:04 pm
Hello, Today a tip for ActionScript developers. It’s been a while I looking for an advanced trace output with more details in few line of code. Just add this line of code instead the trace() functi...
More throw angle game as3 related news:
Bank It! FREE Game for Android 21 Feb 2011 | 11:43 am
Bank It! is a FREE, fun and challenging game to test your ability to bank a disc in the goal. Use your geometry skills to figure out the best angle to throw the disc so it hits 3 banks before going in...