Most toddler carrot muffins related news are at:

Hello again... 14 Apr 2011 | 05:04 pm
Thank you everyone for your kind comments - it is incredible how much support there is in this online community of ours. I thought I should drop in to say hello and to let you all know that I am slow...
Good bye 16 Mar 2011 | 04:26 pm
Image This past week I have slowly realised that I have taken on far too much and that my 'busy' life has been a big part of me developing post natal depression. So I am sorry to say that this will b...
More toddler carrot muffins related news:
Comment by Author Mary Deal 2 Jan 2011 | 12:39 pm
Mary Deal bought my Cookbook Stir, Laugh, Repeat and decided to make my Carrot Muffins. When I saw and read her comment, I knew I had to share. Carrot Muffins from Martha Cheves's cookbook, "Stir, L...
Kids-friendly carrot muffins 9 Jan 2011 | 12:59 pm
This is one of the top favorites in our family. Kids love it and it takes my wife only few minutes from the moment she gave in to the social pressure to make it till it gets to the oven. Ingredients ...
Whole Grain Banana Carrot Muffins 22 Feb 2013 | 10:28 pm
I love Saturday mornings. My eyes open early without an alarm and my socked feet carry me out to the kitchen to put on a pot of water, grind the coffee, and take in the morning sunlight that streams t...
Whole Grain Banana Carrot Muffins 22 Feb 2013 | 10:28 pm
I love Saturday mornings. My eyes open early without an alarm and my socked feet carry me out to the kitchen to put on a pot of water, grind the coffee, and take in the morning sunlight that streams t...
Loaded Zucchini Carrot Muffins 23 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
I do love me some zucchini. Bake it, grill it… turn it into fries. There’s so much you can do with that veg, but my favorite? Bake it into to something yummy. Yummy never gets old. So you guys, we’re...
Triple Chocolate Muffin 18 May 2011 | 01:15 am
Greggs have three flavours of muffin: the Carrot Cake thing, the Blueberry one, and this cocoa-based monstrosity, the Triple Chocolate Muffin. That's TRIPLE, as in three. There are three prongs to thi...
Righteous Morning Muffins...9 Grain Carrot Cake 2 May 2012 | 06:42 am
All right. I admit it. I have a viscous weakness for carrot cake. Evil little confection. How can something so chuck full of vegetables be so danggum evil? What is it about that fluffy spiced carrot a...
TWD: Carrot Spice Muffins 9 Aug 2011 | 04:01 pm
These muffins. I opened to the page for them late last week, only to realize that this might be the second most splattered and sticky page out of the entire book. (The cream scone recipe wins for dirt...
Goûter gourmand #9 – Milkshake Banane Fraises 13 Apr 2012 | 05:00 pm
On se retrouve pour un goûter gourmand, un peu plus léger que ceux que j’ai pu vous proposer cet hiver! Après le carrot cake, le cheesecake ou encore les muffins aux Twix ou Kinder, voici la recette d...
Pumpkin Muffins 13 Jun 2011 | 05:16 am
I thought these where quite delicious and easy. I think I am going to try to make them again and instead of using chocolate chips, try putting some walnuts and carrots in the them... Adapted from th...