Most together we made it related news are at:

Umzug 1 Aug 2011 | 07:32 am
Da es sich heute auf Twitter schon verbreitet hat wie ein Lauffeuer, werde ich auch den restlichen Lesern die Neuigkeit nicht länger vorenthalten. Ich wechsele von diesem Weblog auf ein neues. WordPr...
Back for good? 22 Jul 2011 | 05:09 am
Da bin ich wieder, altes Zimmer, alte WG, guter alter Schreibtisch mit dem rückenschmerzerregenden Stuhl. Neu ist, dass meine Mitbewohner mich offenbar loswerden wollen. Es hat mich ja schon gefreut,...
More together we made it related news:
I'm in the spotlight! Also lots of news. 4 Jun 2011 | 12:34 pm
I'm so excited to be in the spotlight at Digiridoo Scraps for all of Jun! There are two of us in the spotlight, myself and Vick of Dana's Footprint Designs. We got together and made a collab that I mu...
Interview: Leo & Pipo 17 May 2012 | 01:12 am
Tell us a little about your artistic backgrounds and how you go into street art? In fact, we have always worked on art projects together. We made music for many years and Leo & Pipo was a kind of dec...
Movie Review: ‘Stooges’ keeps to the original and draws laughs 2 May 2012 | 10:24 am
Their names were Moe, Larry and Curly and together they made an oddball friendship that the comedy and film industry was lucky enough to showcase. In “The Three Stooges,” a rendition of the original ...
A Word Bearer Assualt Vehicle Pt2. 2 Apr 2009 | 06:41 pm
Hi all, I've had a fairly productive week, even with the Melbourne F1 on the tele!! First up I glued the interior together and made sure the assault ramp moved correctly. While this was drying I clea...
Christmas Cupcakes 19 Feb 2009 | 12:09 pm
Christmas cookies and cupcakes My baking at Christmas went a bit weird this year. I had great intentions for beautifully wrapped home baked presents, but it didn’t come together. I made LOADS of choc...
CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN 18 Apr 2011 | 07:28 am
Just the title alone sent shivers down my spine as a monster kid! CURSE OF THE FACELESS MAN (Vogue Pictures, 1958) was produced by Robert E.Kent and directed by Edward L. Cahn. Together they made a ha...
When you care enough to send the very best! 26 Mar 2009 | 09:52 am
Yesterday when Nick went back to school, the girls all got together and made a card and wrote him a song. It is so touching. I can't tell if they like him or hate him. Here it is. Nick's Song Nick i...
a fun seed bead earring 2 Sep 2011 | 02:30 am
The two pairs of earrings above are made with two different sizes of seed beads, and chain. I used a 22 gauge wire for the seed beads and no jump rings to attach them together, I made sure that each l...
Granny Rose C.A.L. Cushion… 15 Apr 2012 | 06:16 am
We’re up to week four on Astri’s C.A.L. Granny rose cushion. I’ve put all the squares together and made a granny square for the back. I have to say, making the ‘simple’ back side was fun…..I really st...
The Crew of The Winter of Love 8 Feb 2011 | 01:00 am
I am indebted by the incredible dedication that my producer Manjeet Singh showed whilst putting the film together. She managed to pull the production together and made the shoot possible against all o...