Most tokyo skyline vs shangai related news are at:
– Gianfranco Chicco — Serendipitous Words on Experience Design, Marketing and Everything Else…
The new terms that describe the physical-digital space 9 May 2013 | 02:15 am
I wrote a post on the new publishing platform Medium on the names that several players are giving to Physical-Digital Products, Services and Experiences. (Why did I write it on Medium? I wanted to try...
The Magic of Japanese Craftsmanship (Can Italy Learn From It?) 22 Apr 2013 | 08:21 pm
[Pictured above: craftsman Yagi-san from Kaikado company, Kyoto] Another edition of the Milan Design Week (or Salone del Mobile) has come and gone. Thanks to serendipity and my friend Nobi I managed t...