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Por Luis Ferreira* Nestes dias de estiagem, libertos da azáfama das viagens diárias entre casa e o emprego, do stress das correrias entre a largada dos filhos na escola ou as compras necessárias à so...
Um palhaço é sempre um palhaço... 12 Aug 2013 | 03:05 pm
Teixeira da Mota "É importante chamar palhaço a quem acho que é palhaço" Francisco Teixeira da Mota foi o advogado responsável pela defesa do escritor e jornalista Miguel Sousa Tavares no âmbito da q...
More tomar lego fan related news:
Fãs de Lego constroem miniatura da Europa 1 Nov 2010 | 12:01 am
Construção tem miniaturas dos principais pontos turísticos do continente Você sabia que existe uma Europa inteira feita de Lego? A ideia para o monumento surgiu no ano passado durante o LEGO Fan Week...
Van itt minden! 19 May 2010 | 12:24 am
Szasztok régen írtam úgyhogy frissítek már kicsit a kínálaton. Először is én nagy LEGO fan vagyok mondhatni már gyűjtő de csak azért van hogy fogja a port a polcon. Viszont igen csak el tudok ámulni a...
Zehn weitere Jahre lang LEGO-Star-Wars-Spiele – Lucasfilm und Lego haben verlängert 1 Mar 2012 | 05:31 am
Für alle Lego-Fans der Star Wars Saga gab es Mitte Februar 2012 eine tolle Nachricht: Der dänische Spielzeughersteller Lego und Lucasfilm haben ihren Lizenzvertrag um weitere 10 Jahre verlängert. Die...
Digital Camera for Lego Fans 7 Jan 2011 | 09:44 pm
Digital Camera is not really very original gift, however it is very popular present. But….. we found for you something very original and special: digital cameras for Lego fans! The first one, complet...
8 Cool iPhone Applications That Lego Fans Will Love 4 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
LEGO is a very popular brand of construction toy that first came out in the late 1940s. The toy is all about plastic interlocking bricks, a whole gamut of gears, mini figures and other parts that are...
Duplo & Lego Pattern Towers Busy Bag 8 Oct 2012 | 05:30 pm
Okay, here’s another activity for the Duplo and Lego fans. This time we’re working on finding a missing color based on a color pattern. Try this activity with your… The printable pattern tower cards...
What happened to those space guys? 10 Dec 2012 | 08:00 am
Hi LEGO Fans. You're probably wondering what happened to those awesome-looking space military guys on LEGO CUUSOO; you know, the ones that reached 10,000 supporters just before the Winter Review deadl...
Satisfy Your LEGO Fans with the LEGO YouTube Channel 1 Feb 2013 | 12:38 am
As I am certain you know by now, our home is over run with LEGO® blocks of all shapes and sizes, not to mention the figurines and finished masterpieces that occupy every available flat space in the ho...
LEGO fan GlenBricker interviews Tim Courtney at SXSW 19 Mar 2013 | 08:33 pm
Last week my colleagues Peter, Signe, Sara, and I had the privilege of meeting LEGO CUUSOO user and blogger Glen Bricker at the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin, Texas. Not only does Glen create ...
BrickBrites; Motion Activated Toy Brick Lights! {Review} 11 Apr 2013 | 08:07 pm
Do you have a LEGO fan in your home? Our nine year old used to love to play with his LEGOs but lately he hasn’t touched them. Until we received something that lit up his enthusiasm again. (Pun intende...