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Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović "Majke mi bajka" 17 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
photo: Carolinexpaige "Knjige, drage knjige. Složene po temama, po epohama, po žanrovima, naslagane pored mog kreveta, bez reda, u svakom kutku mog prostora bile su knjige. Šarene, crvene, u kožnom ...
Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović "Majke mi bajka" 2 Aug 2013 | 01:56 am
foto: Snježana Josipović "Žene uvek misle da je stvar u njima, da nešto sa njima nije u redu, da one treba da se menjaju, da se prilagode, da se napnu, da bi stvari ponovo štimale. Da treba da slabe,...
More toni parsons citati related news:
Man and Wife (NEW) 6 Dec 2011 | 09:16 pm
Author: Tony Parsons Price : RM25 (free postage) Reviews: Man and Wife is a novel about love and marriage – about why we fall in love and why we marry; about why we stay and why we go. Harry Silve...
Teams in the Lead – As of Jan 12th 13 Jan 2011 | 03:15 am
Here are our Top Five Teams in the lead: Tony Paz & Peggy Miller Carol Dowd & Rahmean Kamalbake John Krahnert III & Alicia Hill Dan Askins & Danielle Hinesley Justin Bode & Kathie Parson Don’t see you...
Teams in the Lead – As of January 5th 11 Jan 2011 | 03:14 pm
Here are our Top Five Teams in the lead: Tony Paz & Peggy Miller Dan Askins & Danielle Hinesley John Krahnert III & Alicia Hill Justin Bode & Kathie Parson John & Julie Tampa Don’t see your team here?...
The Real Story Between Vaughn Gittin Jr & Fredric Aasbø at Formula Drift 19 May 2013 | 02:35 am
Закулисье второго этапа Formula Drift, задушевные беседе с Tony Angelo, Corey Hosford, Will Parsons, Ryan Tuerck и совсем недетские разборки между Vaughn Gittin Jr и Fredric Aasbo. Что же еще таит в с...