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World Environmental Events & Campaigns: Living the Cause for Earth’s Protection & Security 4 Mar 2011 | 08:23 pm
Earth is the only planet where we dwell for security. There are associations or groups that were established to support the perpetual purpose to shield the environment from total breakdown. Advancing ...
Revealing the Edge: Why wind energy outstands other renewables 2 Mar 2011 | 12:52 am
High energy consumption often results to power interruptions, or worse might lead to power outage that might affect a large area. The use of renewable energy sources such as hydro, biomass, solar, geo...
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My totally selfish “Top 10 of 2011″ 11 Jan 2012 | 03:06 pm
My totally selfish, top ten list of 2011…in no particular order… ~ Going to Washington, D.C. for the first time ~ Climbing a 263-foot wind turbine ~ Winning a regional award for work and going to D...
My totally selfish “Top 10 of 2011″ 11 Jan 2012 | 09:06 am
My totally selfish, top ten list of 2011…in no particular order… ~ Going to Washington, D.C. for the first time ~ Climbing a 263-foot wind turbine ~ Winning a regional award for work and going to D...