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risk of genetically engineered food 12 Sep 2011 | 05:30 am
African Biotech Specialist Disputes Concerns Over Genetically Engineered Foods 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
At a recent conference on biotechnology held in Accra, Ghana, Professor Jonathan Padi Tetteh stated that GM foods pose no health risks to humans and called on the African continent to embrace this tec...
Why Do Supporters of Genetically Engineered Foods Insist on Organics for Their Own Families? 10 Oct 2012 | 07:05 pm
Dr. Joseph Mercola October 9, 2012 Over the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged, where political supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, wh...
The Genetically Engineered Food Protection Act 30 Mar 2013 | 06:47 am
Not many people like the messes Congress makes but everybody should see how they're made. This article takes a close look at the legislation just passed by Congress and signed by President Obama allo...
MIT Study Links Chemical Used on Genetically Engineered Foods to Cancer and Infertility 27 Apr 2013 | 07:23 am
According to Reuters News, a study released out of MIT suggests that heavy use of the world’s most popular herbicide, Roundup, could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Par...
The Basics of Genetically Engineered Foods, Side Effects of Eating Them and How to Avoid Them 18 May 2013 | 02:14 am
An Access to Health Experts interview with special guest Jeffrey Smith author of Genetic Roulette - Seeds of Deception. In this segment, Jeffrey explains how genetically engineered plants are created ...
Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food 19 Oct 2012 | 07:58 am
Have you heard about genetically engineered foods? Well California is taking the lead in the fight over this big issue, which is called Proposition 37. Think what is happening out there on the West Co...
Fuse 2013 Primary Election Endorsements 15 Jul 2013 | 11:45 pm
Fuse is pleased to announce the endorsement of the following candidates and campaigns. Yes on I-522 - Label Genetically Engineered Foods ( Yes on Fair Elections Seattle (fairele....
New Hampshire House Subcommittee Begins Work on GMO Labeling Bill 14 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
By Jeremy Blackman, Two months after his state passed legislation requiring labels on genetically engineered foods, Maine Rep. Lance Harvell, the bill’s chief sponsor, pitched his case yesterday for ...
Label genetically engineered foods! 21 Apr 2013 | 08:08 pm
As one of the 90% of Americans who think think genetically modified food (GMO) should be labeled as such – I’m really happy to see it being introduced for a national discussion into the US senate. Th...