Most top performing hedge funds related news are at:

Bruce Berkowitz of the Fairholme Fund on Bloomberg 1 Feb 2011 | 03:26 pm
On Buffett’s successor: “He is so good at what he does, it’s almost insulting to think that he doesn’t have a reasonable succession plan. And I frankly don’t see why he should tell anyone. And even i...
The Joy of Stats 31 Dec 2010 | 12:39 pm
This is an awesome video to watch if you’ve got a spare hour: About the video Hans Rosling says there’s nothing boring about stats, and then goes on to prove it. Only with statistics can we make sen...
More top performing hedge funds related news:
Most Shared Value Investing News – Week Ending March 3, 2012 4 Mar 2012 | 10:30 am
Here’s a list of the most shared articles posted on Value Investing News this past week: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 2011 Annual Report Top 10 Hedge Funds By Net Gains Since Inception Jeremy Grantham’s...
HFRX Daily Indices - June 2012 Performance 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Hedge funds experienced mixed performance for the month, as Equity Hedge gains were offset by Macro declines; the HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index posted a decline of -0.30%, while the HFRX Absolute Retur...
Fw: Top Performing Debt Funds 24 Jul 2013 | 03:15 pm
Dear Investor, We are delighted to inform you about our credentials in MF Research. There are more than 1000 equity funds and 1000 plus debt funds with varying degree of performance. Fund with ...
The Art Of Forex Portfolio 30 Nov 2011 | 03:24 pm
A few robot products I can recommend: The Art Of Forex Portfolio Secrets Of The World’s Top Forex Traders And Hedge Funds Finally Revealed! Unique Hands-on Practical Course Reveals The Portfolio Strat...
Three Top-Heavy Markets Looking Ripe for Collapse 17 Oct 2007 | 01:34 pm
October 16, 2007 The crude oil market has still been on a tear, and from what we see it is largely fueled by the hedge funds. Chances of a hurricane hitting the Gulf area remains slim, and we are pas...
Deutsche Reshuffles Its Top Deal-Makers - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times 12 Apr 2008 | 06:21 pm
What is the right age for a banker to retire. 12 Twell(s)
The ten Top Hedge Funds in 2011 (at least in amount of Money) 11 Mar 2012 | 07:55 pm
The largest 10 hedge funds of 2011-2012 consistently favoriing their investors. Hedge funds have an almost mystical connotation to how they are run. Most are impressively secret, even with the amoun...
Hedge Fund Compliance and Performance & Strategies 30 Nov 2011 | 12:02 am
Hedge Fund Compliance and Performance & Strategies Hedge fund managers select funds mainly based on returns and performance. And in actuality, selection is based to a large extent on prior historical...
Marshall Wace 15 Feb 2011 | 01:32 am
Marshall Wace is among one of the top hedge funds in the City of London. The organisation was founded by Paul Marshall and Ian Wace. The firm operates from offices in London, Greenwich, and Hong Kong....
HFMWeek AuA survey: Citi's admin unit sees biggest percentage growth within top ten 30 May 2012 | 11:56 pm
Citi Hedge Fund Services saw a 15% increase in single manager hedge fund assets under administration in HFMWeek’s latest AuA survey, the biggest percentage rise among the top ten.