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Review: Torchlight (XBLA) 8 Mar 2011 | 04:36 am
When Torchlight hit Steam back in late 2009, it came as a pleasant surprise to loot-hoarding games around the world. Admittedly, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect; fans were foaming at the mo...
Torchlight II announced 6 Aug 2010 | 02:27 am
Torchlight II After a week of speculation and playing the guessing game, Runic Games have finally revealed their secret and announced that Torchlight will be getting a sequel that is set to hit the s...
Torchlight II Opening Cinematic Revealed 26 Apr 2012 | 06:48 am
No, sorry, runic games did not announce a launch date for Torchlight II, but the studio did release the opening cinematic for its upcoming action-RPG. The video embedded below was a group effort betwe...
Hogmanay – Scottland New Year Festival 30 Dec 2011 | 09:07 pm
New Years Torchlight Percession Hogmanay What is Hogmanay Hogmanay is a Scottish festival of light to celebrate the New Year and the passing of the winter solstice and the end of short days. The sun ...
The Book Is Out! 1 Oct 2006 | 01:53 pm
FIENDS BY TORCHLIGHT is now available as fast as I can sign each copy. The brains behind Annihilation Press is Roger Dale Trexler, who is publishing a collection by Lawrence P. Santoro, JUST NORTH OF ...
selamat hari raya 14 Sep 2010 | 04:13 pm
uih,,,, lame suda aku tak update ini blog. adoii,yela bz pasal benda lain.. haha so,raya ni gamba raya xbanyak sgt-lah,pasal fon XM aku rosak,so gune fon TORCHLIGHT je.haha (if ade,gamba byk berje...
Fremantle Prison Torchlight Tour 13 Aug 2011 | 05:35 pm
It is a short distance to the West of Hagia Sophia. Gilles explored the cistern by torchlight from a small boat which was rowed between the 336 marble columns supporting the roof. His latter day Charo...
Diablo 3 – Wartezeit Verkürzer: Torchlight 20 Dec 2009 | 06:22 am
Wer sich die Wartezeit auf Diablo 3 verkürzen will, hat mit Torchlight eine gute Möglichkeit. Torchlight sieht nicht nur auf den ersten Blick aus wie Diablo, sondern spielt sich auch noch genauso. Die...
Summer runs 9 Mar 2012 | 07:56 am
I know it may be early to start thinking about Summer...especially when we just got past a late-season snow flurry! However, I saw yesterday thatt he Torchlight Parade 5K run is open for registration!...