Most tortoise shell cat personality related news are at:
– The Conscious Cat - conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans
Allegra’s World: It’s My Birthday! 27 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
It’s my birthday today! I’m four years old! I know Mom and Ruby have some fun things planned for me today. It’s going to be a great day! Check out my birthday present! How cool is this! Here’s a pic...
Feline Allergies 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Allergies are an extreme reaction of the immune system to common substances in a cat’s every day environment. Feline allergies can be a vexing problem for cat guardians and veterinarians. This article...
More tortoise shell cat personality related news:
Survivor Cat 7 Nov 2010 | 01:17 pm
Two weeks ago a tortoise-shell cat appeared at our house meowing very insistently. She was very affectionate and clearly very hungry so I gave her some milk and cheese. She was still there in the morn...