Most tortoise svn related news are at:

Update to Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25 24 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
We are delighted to announce VisualSVN Server patch releases based on Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25. These releases address the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2013-1896, CVE-2013-1862 and CVE-2013-4131. U...
VisualSVN Server 2.5.10 Released 4 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
VisualSVN Server patch release 2.5.10 is available. This is a security fix release that addresses several security vulnerabilities recently identified in Apache Subversion. The version 2.5.10 has the ...
More tortoise svn related news:
tortoise svn 7.1 asking for password on windows 7 6 Dec 2011 | 07:21 am
Last week I updated to tortoise svn 7.1 on my desktop. Everything seemed to be working right, but it kept asking for my password every time I connected to a ssh+svn repos even with a connection to the...
SVN szerver elérése Windows rendszerből 20 May 2010 | 05:43 am
Az SVN szerver használatához telepítenünk kell egy verzió követő kliens programot, erre számos ingyenes program létezik, mi most a Tortoise SVN programot mutatjuk be. Ez a program könnyen kezelhető gr...
Refresh tortoise svn status 29 Jun 2012 | 04:32 pm
Đôi khi những status của file cập nhật rất chậm nguyên do là vì tortoise svn default sẽ dùng cache để hiển thị các status để bỏ điều này ta vào TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Icon Overlay, set Status Cac...
Crear un “branch” de un proyecto utilizando la herramienta Tortoise Svn 7 May 2013 | 09:31 pm
TortoiseSvn es un cliente de Subversion (svn) para Windows que puede ser integrado al explorador de carpetas. Presenta muchas características interesantes entre las cuales se encuentra la posibilidad ...
How to Branch using Tortoise SVN 24 Jun 2013 | 12:22 am
TweetRepository Conventions When using Subversion / TortoiseSVN I tend to use the ‘conventional’ repository layout by adding branches/tags/trunk directories to the root: (Please click on any images sh...
Crear un “branch” de un proyecto utilizando la herramienta Tortoise Svn 7 May 2013 | 09:31 pm
TortoiseSvn es un cliente de Subversion (svn) para Windows que puede ser integrado al explorador de carpetas. Presenta muchas características interesantes entre las cuales se encuentra la posibilidad ...
Presenting: PHP Commit Hooks 20 Jul 2010 | 09:28 pm
In our company blog I blogged about a pet project of mine: PHP Commit Hooks. This is a follow up to my earlier blog posts: SVN commit hooks, which was inspired by a discussion on an earlier PHP Unconf...
FlatPress 1.0 «Solenne» is here 12 Jan 2012 | 03:32 am
Given the slow pace of updates, I’ve decided to bump the version to a nice, round number. This is SVN r408. As always, download is at https://sourceforge. … /projects/flatpress/ Have fun with FlatP...
Mercurial 29 Jun 2011 | 12:54 am
User Alexandrul has been so kind to provide with a pre-configured BitBucket repository mirroring SVN. This means you can get the development version of FlatPress both via Subversion and via Mercurial...
Colorized Subversion SVN STAT & UP PowerShell Functions 18 Nov 2008 | 10:00 am
An ever-useful powershell script for those who use the SVN CLI even on windows.