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More tortue alligator related news:
Yeah, a moat with alligators might not be a bad idea 12 May 2011 | 01:59 am
According to Obama, this is what Republicans want. See, he’s gone “above and beyond” on the issue of immigration and enforcing immigration laws, and Republicans are just so gosh darn unreasonable that...
Kim Kardashian As Princess Leia (Photos) 19 Sep 2011 | 04:59 pm
Kanye West apparently tried to pitch a Muppet comedy show called Alligator Boots to Comedy Central. He talked Kim Kardashian into appearing in the pilot wearing Princess Leia’s bikini from Return of t...
University of Florida newspaper prints correction on "Painted Guns" story 12 Feb 2008 | 08:35 pm
Due to numerous comments, emails, and blogging on their incorrect reporting on the Hello Kitty rifle, and painted guns in general, the editors of The Alligator have printed this correction (link). I ...
University of Florida newspaper, the Alligator, helps spread anti-gun lies 12 Feb 2008 | 03:19 pm
According to the University of Florida newspaper, The Alligator, "Hello Kitty stickers are part of the latest danger to police officers nationwide". That's right, the Gainsville police department is ...
See You Later Alligator 24 Nov 2009 | 03:41 pm
Par la magie de l'amour*, mon nouveau blog est déjà prêt ! Je suis super contente, c'est un peu comme emménager dans une nouvelle maison ! Et je peux enfin partager mon nouveau titre, trouvé il y a p...
مرگبارترين جانوران روي زمين ! 19 Jun 2009 | 01:25 am
ل تصوير يك لاك پشت گونه (Alligator Snapping Turtle ) كه يادگاري از دوره دايناسورها بوده و فقط در آب هاي رودخانه هاي جنوب ايالات متحده زندگي مي كند. اين لاك پشت گوشتخوار از خوردن هيچ نوع گوشتي رويگردا...
Alligator Man - Take 2 16 Nov 2009 | 07:46 am
And here, after a bit of a delay, is the rest of Alligator Man. Sorry for being so slow. I've never been one of those writers who can dash off thousands of words at a moments notice. I really envy the...
Crocodile Tears 10 Nov 2009 | 04:49 pm
Please go right away and read the utterly fantastic continuation of Alligator Man, Crocidile Tears by the amazing mini_moue. She's so talented! I'm completely humbled to have inspired this. Duh. I fo...
Alligator Man 10 Nov 2009 | 08:38 am
Well, now for something completely different, as they used to say on Monty Python. The WIPs are languishing. But here's a one shot I've been working on for awhile. Title: Alligator Man Author: englis...
Alligator - O Jacaré Gigante (Alligator 1980) 10 May 2011 | 10:53 am
Sinopse : Família volta da Flórida para Chicago trazendo um filhote de jacaré. O pai, querendo se livrar do problema de criar o réptil, joga o filhote na privada. Ele sobrevive e, nos esgotos, alimen...