Most total chaos game related news are at:

MISSING ONYX 2 FILE 12 Aug 2013 | 08:55 pm
Okay, so, this year I have been shamelessly playing my own games, and when I was playing Onyx 2 yesterday, it crashed on me due to a missing "2003misc1" file. I'm not sure how many other people have h...
A GATEKEEPER EVENT 14 Jul 2013 | 02:13 am
Happy Saturday, folks! Here is a video, from me to you. It had been six months since I last uploaded a Gatekeeper video, I thought it was time to rectify that. So enjoy! The 3D images mostly came fro...
More total chaos game related news:
Ninjamin Beat-Jitsu 22 Apr 2012 | 10:21 am
Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu - Its like Guitar Hero, but with more style. Its like Super Mario, but without the Italian plumber. A top secret government breeding experiment between two totally different game ...
Total Penjualan Game Minecraft Capai 9,2 Juta Unit 29 May 2012 | 06:29 pm
Tweet CALIFORNIA – Game Minecraft yang baru saja meluncur awal bulan ini untuk konsol Xbox 360, dikabarkan telah mencapai angka penjualan sebesar 9,2 juta unit. Dilansir Gamesindustry, Selasa (29/5/...
Pool Master Pro 18 Apr 2011 | 08:38 pm
Welcome to the Pool Master Pro game! How about a nice little game of pool? This is the No.1 Pool game in Android market and it's totally FREE. Game Features: 1. Realistic 3D ball animation 2. Touch...
Ice Cream Makes Me Happy 28 Jul 2011 | 09:46 pm
Ice cream has potent magical effects within the Zombiedaddy household. The twins may be at war with one another.. screaming, crying, trying to pull each other’s hair out, total chaos. The moment you m...
Tier 1 Update - Total War approaches 28 Mar 2011 | 05:32 am
So, Tier 1 is coming to a close this coming Friday with the Total War game. There are still points up for grabs as the scoring system continues through the Total War game. Head on over to the Escalat...
Adiós a viejos tiempos, hola a nuevas olas. 23 Feb 2012 | 05:52 am
Creo que ya puedo decirlo más o menos abiertamente: Totally Chaos es casi historia. Han sido unos años fantásticos por acá, pero toca dar el cambio (no sé si el salto). Como ya comenté antes, iniciaré...
Lo de siempre… 18 Dec 2011 | 01:45 am
Sigo un poco con la mentalidad de las últimas veces. Aprovecho esta sentada de escribir para poner mi reflexión aquí, para el que se interese. Me encuentro algo cansado de Totally Chaos. Siento como s...
TOTAL CHAOS 16 Feb 2012 | 12:45 am
In uscita il CD dei KAKKOLE ESILARANTI con tanto di release gig al BLOOM di Mezzago , locale al quale sono molto affezionato ,avendo ivi assistito , nella mia -sigh- gioventù ai concerti di Henry Roll...
Bingo Sites – No Deposit Required 12 Apr 2011 | 06:18 am
Bingo is recreation game played by more and more players, worldwide. What started as a totally British game is becoming more international and a big volume of international players is getting involved...
TOTAL CHAOS REVISTED 24 Apr 2012 | 06:46 am
Like my ultra low-budget cover? You can thank google and Windows Paint for that! So yeah, basically, I am going to ~transform~ TOTAL CHAOS the RPG into a novel. I've been writing a lot since 2010, an...