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Two New Toyota Sports Cars in the Works 20 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Recently the new car gurus here at Toyota Universe heard some news about a few sports cars that are rumored to be joining the new Toyota lineup right here at our Little Falls, NJ dealership, and the n...
Toyota Museum Showcases Lots of Little Treasures 5 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Here at Toyota Universe, we like to call our showroom a modern art gallery of Toyota vehicles, because we happen to believe the models here have come together quite nicely. In Japan, the home base of ...
More toyota nj related news:
Hot Girl Has Wardrobe Mishap In Drift Car 6 Nov 2011 | 07:35 am
Hot Girl Has Wardrobe Mishap In Drift Car A tight top, weak buttons and a scary drift ride in a Toyota Supra ends with a wardrobe malfunction for this sexy girl.
More AVATAR Gift ideas 23 Dec 2010 | 07:07 am
This year, James Cameron gave a blue Toyota Prius to each of the principal actors in AVATAR. That might be a little beyond your budget, but if you’re still shopping for the AVATAR fan on your holiday ...
More Prius. More Giving. Help the Online Toy Drive 16 Dec 2011 | 11:46 am
To celebrate the season of giving, Toyota USA is partnering Prius v – the newest member of the Prius family—with Toys for Tots to deliver more presents to children in need this holiday season. The “Mo...
Toyota All New Avanza1.5 Sandang Nama Veloz 10 Oct 2011 | 02:32 pm
Toyota All New Avanza 2012 varian 1.5 yang akan diluncurkan dalam waktu dekat, kini memiliki nama baru. Khusus untuk tipe Avanza 1.5 akan menggunakan nama Toyota Avanza Veloz.
Harga Toyota Innova 2012 dari Rp 182 Juta 26 Jul 2011 | 01:16 pm
Sebagai salah satu produk IMV seperti Fortuner dan Hilux, Toyota Kijang Innova terus mengalami ubahan tampilan baik eksterior maupun interior.
Suzuki R3 Penantang Avanza – Xenia 29 Jun 2011 | 04:46 pm
Suzuki R3 yang saat ini sedang menjalani tes jalan di India disebut-sebut akan menjadi pesaing Daihatsu Xenia dan Toyota Avanza. Beberapa fotonya sudah dipublikasikan majalah Autocar India yang kemudi...
Edil Al, ofron nje sherbim te ri. Te zgjedhim shtepine online 1 Apr 2011 | 09:43 am
Edil Al, ofron një shërbim të ri. Të zgjedhim shtëpinë online
Festival City 22 Mar 2011 | 11:03 pm
Festival City është dizajnuar në bashkëpunim me Design International, një nga studiot më të njohura arkitektonike. Nga hapësira që zë, projekti do të jetë një qytet brenda qytetit, ku mund të gjesh: h...
Toka për Zhvillim 22 Mar 2011 | 10:02 am
Një nga veprimtaritë më të reja të kompanisë është zhvillimi i tokave sidomos në rajonet më piktoreske dhe me perspektive në fushën e turizmit dhe hotelerisë. Riviera shqiptare me bukuritë e saj të p...
Por fin he conducido un híbrido: Toyota Auris HSD 18 Nov 2010 | 09:52 am
Hace unas semanas publiqué un vídeo de la espectacular instalación que Toyota hizo de un Auris HSD aparcado pero muy “electrizante”. Es la clase de “performance” que nos tienen acostumbrados marcas co...