Most trac mercurial related news are at:

使用AutoHotkey修改windows 下触摸板改为“自然滚动” 27 Aug 2013 | 05:41 pm
macbook使用习惯后,都喜欢了所谓的“触摸板自然滚动”,原因很简单,和iphone、ipad等触屏保持一致。 一直寻找windows下的解决方案,经过一段时间终于找到了AutoHotkey这个软件。 下载AutoHotkey,然后安装。 新建文件reverse-roll.ahk,输入内容: #MaxHotkeysPerInterva...
不越狱,不破解,给kindle paperwhite增加字体 15 Aug 2013 | 08:43 pm
不越狱,不破解,给kindle paperwhite增加字体 插上USB连接kindle,进入kindle设备根目录。 创建一个空文件USE_ALT_FONTS。 $ touch USE_ALT_FONTS 创建文件夹fonts $ mkdir fonts 拷贝字体文件到fonts目录里,比如方正中雅宋:
More trac mercurial related news:
After Meridian & Dave Costa - Blur 31 May 2011 | 06:24 am
Artist: After Meridian & Dave Costa Title: Blur Label: Iji Recordings Catalogue#: IJI 010 Style: Progressive/Trance Release Date: •30/05/11• Source: WEB Quality: 320 kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint Stereo Trac...
Mercurial 29 Jun 2011 | 12:54 am
User Alexandrul has been so kind to provide with a pre-configured BitBucket repository mirroring SVN. This means you can get the development version of FlatPress both via Subversion and via Mercurial...
Seagull CMS 1.5 released 30 Jul 2008 | 06:53 pm
Hot on the heals of 0.6.5 we have prepared an exciting new release of the CMS module: A lot of exciting new features have been built into the 1.5 r.....
Seagull 0.6.5 Released 30 Jul 2008 | 06:49 pm
I'm happy to announce 0.6.5 was released yesterday, please update your existing installs, the code is available in the usual place: According to Trac this rele.....
Borrado Spam del Trac 13 Mar 2012 | 06:29 am
Se están realizando tareas de mantenimiento en el Trac para limpiarlo de SPAM. Se ha activado el captcha para evitar que el trac vuelva a llenarse de tickets no deseados. Es posible que durante el pro...
Reactivación Trac 11 Mar 2012 | 07:00 am
Ya está de nuevo funcionando el Trac del Dedalus, por lo que ya podemos continuar con el reporte de bugs y el acceso al código, tanto el actual como el histórico. Por ahora sólo se ha activado el Trac...
Tracing out embedded fonts 19 Jun 2009 | 05:19 pm
One thing I’ve noticed (especially in cs4) is a hard time identifying the names of the fonts you’re embedding. For instance: the font I was using “Helvetica Neue BlackItalic” (as in the IDE) when trac...
Trac configured with Nginx MySql Python SVN on Ubuntu 1 Sep 2009 | 06:52 pm
Assuming you’ve downloaded ./configure && make && make install the latest nginx and have mysql, svn already installed. More info on installing svn and setting up svn here. Now once I’ll assume you’ve...
PVII Mercury: Horizontal Single Page CSS Page Builder 29 Mar 2011 | 03:35 pm
Mercury is a single-page Web site, a design approach that works very well for sites that would comprise three to six traditional pages of closely related content. A brochure site for an artist, entert...
atmospheric pressure changes 2 Jun 2011 | 09:06 pm
Atmospheric pressure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Barometer is an instrument used for measuring the change in atmospheric pressure. . As atmospheric pressure increases, the mercury is forced f...