Most tracing my family tree related news are at:

Interesting Article by Reporter 16 Jul 2011 | 04:21 am
I love reading articles by people who trace their family trees. Here is an interesting article by a reporter, Linda D. Epstein, from Sunday, July 10 issue of the San Jose Mercury news. I will copy ...
Excellent Article on Mapping Humanity’s Past 7 Mar 2011 | 08:13 am
I don’t often post links to newspaper articles but this one is really worth reading. This article, which appeared in the printer version of the Feb. 27, San Jose Mercury News, is all about using DNA...
More tracing my family tree related news:
Generations Family Tree – Looking to Trace Your Family Tree History? 30 Sep 2011 | 09:15 am
Whether you are looking for software to upload your family genealogy into or a simple chart that you can hang on your wall, you can find what you are looking for by simply typing generations family tr...
Cute Persian Kittens Drinking Milk ! 29 May 2012 | 02:50 pm
Vishalam Written by Dr.S.Krishnaswamy, and directed by GITA KRISHNA RAJ, this serial traces a Family Tree on a matriarchal lineage of four generations and concludes on the birth of the fifth at the da...
Interesting Article by Reporter 16 Jul 2011 | 04:21 am
I love reading articles by people who trace their family trees. Here is an interesting article by a reporter, Linda D. Epstein, from Sunday, July 10 issue of the San Jose Mercury news. I will copy ...
Types of Family Tree Charts 4 Nov 2010 | 07:30 am
There are some people who have already understood the importance of tracing your family tree and knowing your roots. They know that this kind of information will be very useful and will be a good rem...
Trace Your Family Tree Now! 22 Sep 2010 | 12:59 am
A family is the smallest unit in the society. But the family has the greatest impact in our lives. They, together with our branched relatives are the important people in our lives and as much as possi...
Know Your Roots. Trace Your Family Tree 3 Sep 2010 | 10:19 am
Have you ever asked yourself if you have a relative who fought against your nation’s colonizers centuries ago? Or have you wondered if you have a genetic medical problem? Or have you thought that your...
20 Awesome Scrapbook Style Web Designs 18 Jul 2013 | 09:52 pm
As a child most of us must have done scrapbook projects where we needed to trace the family tree or the most important work of the famous personalities. But in the recent times especially after the ad...
Look What I Found on Ancestry... 21 Aug 2013 | 11:17 pm
Way back in the early 90s, I became enamored with tracing my family tree and I worked it for about 5 years or so. That was back in the days before Internet and were easily available. I wa...
Kindo Acquired by MyHeritage 23 Sep 2008 | 03:04 pm
I didn't get a chance yet to blog about our last TechCrunching, but Kindo, the startup I co-founded in March 2007, today announced its sale to MyHeritage, the biggest player in the family tree space....
Bauer’s Family Tree of Printing Types 20 Jan 2012 | 02:05 pm
Gorgeous bit of type history discovered on Imprint: In 1937, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Bauer Type Foundry in 1837, the firm issued “Bauer’s Family Tree of Printing Types.” It’s a...