Most train station names kanji related news are at:

JLPT N2 study materials (part 2) 22 May 2013 | 07:29 pm
It's rather a long time since I wrote JLPT N2 study materials (part 1) (see also N3 study materials), but since then I have accumulated even more textbooks; I should be able to open my own Japanese la...
Persistance 8 Dec 2012 | 12:06 pm
Haha... found this entry in my Yokohama diary: Had a ridiculous 10-minute exchange with some Japanese guy at my door tonight. It seems like when people come to the door here, they don't just give a ...
More train station names kanji related news:
Monday Shoes 4 Jul 2011 | 07:40 pm
Bought these babies in Korea in one of the stalls in that train station below Dongdaemun Market - aptly named, "Dongdaemun Station". Haha. :) Just noticed that most of my stuff are in gray recently. ...
Izumotaisha-Mae Station - 出雲大社前駅 17 Feb 2013 | 08:02 am
Place Name: Izumotaisha-Mae Station - 出雲大社前駅 Type: Train Station 駅 Location: Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, JAPAN Latitude: 35.393569 Longitude: 132.687108 Date of Visit: January 4, 2006 & Decem...
Shin-Osaka and subway question 21 Aug 2013 | 09:45 pm
My hotel is the next stop south of the Shin-Osaka station if I use the Osaka subway. It's the stop with the very very long name. I've used the train station before to transfer from airport express to ...
Light & minuscules at Santa Justa train station, Sevilla. July 2013 19 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
Santa Justa is the name of the train station in Sevilla. Designed by the great architects Cruz y Ortiz, I´m lucky to visit it every weekend during my holidays in Ayamonte, because I have to go there t...
Trains Between Mumbai and Pune 29 Nov 2006 | 08:00 pm
Train No Train Name Starting Station Dep time Destination Arrival time M TU W TH F SA SU 6507 JU BANGLORE EXP VASAI ROAD 23:45 PUNE JN 04:15 N N N Y N Y N 1007 DECCAN EXPRES...
Indian Railways Train Name List with code starting with 03 21 Aug 2010 | 08:44 am
Indian Railways Train Name List with code starting with 03 You can find train code from this list which is starting from 03. Train Number Train Name Starting Station ...
Indian Railways Train Name List with code starting with 02 6 Aug 2010 | 05:14 pm
Indian Railways Train Name List with code starting with 02 Here is the train list of Indian railways with train code starts with 02. Train Number Train Name Starting Station Destination Station 0...
Indian Railways Train Name List with code starting with 01 3 Aug 2010 | 11:33 pm
Indian Railways Complete Train List Here is the train list of Indian railways with train code starts with 01. Train Number Train Name Starting Station Destination Station 0103 MANDOVI EXPRESS M...