Most transmedia storytelling related news are at:

Public Intellectuals: Theory and Practice 26 Aug 2013 | 12:48 pm
Today’s post represents my return from an extended summer hiatus with the blog, as well as the first day of classes for the new term. I wanted to share with you the syllabus for a new subject I am int...
“Sorry for Disturbing: We’re Trying to Change Brazil”: Brazilian Youth, Civic Media, and The Protests 16 Jul 2013 | 01:50 pm
This spring, my Civic Paths Research Group was lucky enough to be able to host a visit by Carla Mendonça, a journalist and a Doctoral candidate at the Research Center and Graduate Program on the Ameri...
More transmedia storytelling related news:
“Migrando pela mão dos fãs” – Caderno Cultura Jornal Zero Hora | Trechos da matéria sobre transmedia storytelling 21 Jun 2011 | 03:26 am
Por que nerds e storytelling são uma combinação explosiva? aborda esse e outros pontos nevrálgicos nesses trechos selecionados – sublinhados e tudo! – da matéria “Migrando pela mão dos fã...
Transmedia Storytelling | Narrativa Transmídia 19 Jun 2011 | 03:26 am
View on Slideshare. Click here. Social Media Entertainment, Branded Content, Fiction & Transmedia Storytelling: 3 cases by (digital production company and marketing agency) Filed ...
Guilherme Verzoni: escritor, publicitário e produtor de conteúdo para novas mídias 17 Jun 2011 | 12:39 pm
Guilherme Verzoni é escritor, publicitário e produtor de conteúdo para novas mídias. Contato: Filed under: transmedia storytelling, video Tagged: escritor, guilherme verzoni, i... na Mesa de Narrativa Transmídia (Transmedia Storytelling) no Seminário Internacional M-todos: Tendências e Oportunidades da Mobilidade Dig... 12 Nov 2010 | 06:46 am
Mini Workshop | Turma de Narrativa Transmídia | Faculdade de Midialogia | Unicamp Making of | Mesa de Narrativa Transmídia | Seminário Internacional M-todos | Unicamp Verzoni recruta psicopatas na p...
April 27th: Transmedia, An Evening with Dr. Christy Dena 5 Apr 2011 | 01:53 pm
Transmedia storytelling is a technique of telling stories across multiple platforms and formats, recognized for its use by mass media to develop media franchises. Dr. Christy Dena specializes in the ...
Was macht ein Transmedia Storyteller bei vm-people denn eigentlich? 12 Feb 2011 | 03:09 am
Geschichtenerzähler. Das klingt nach Märchenstunde und Abenden am Lagerfeuer… Verbringen wir so unsere Zeit? Prinzipiell ja – nur das wir die Geschichten nicht unseren Kindern zum Einschlafen erzähl...
Power to the Pixel: Cross-Media Forum Londres 2011 23 Nov 2011 | 02:14 am
Jeff Gomez: The Power of Transmedia Storytelling from Power to the Pixel Jeff Gomez (CEO de Starlight Runner Entertainment) es una de las principales eminencias del mundo transmedia y experto en stor...
How Does Transmedia Storytelling Work? 8 Mar 2011 | 11:40 am
Mike Monello of Campfire gave a terrific half-hour talk at Power of the Pixel on how transmedia storytelling works. The talk is worth every minute to watch, especially the history of Coney Island Mik...
Heroes – Transmedia Storytelling 30 Mar 2010 | 04:00 am
Another inspiring panel at SXSW featured Tim Kring as interviewee. He is a screenwriter and began his carrer with episodes for Knight Rider, achieved his breakthrough with the cult series Crossing Jor...
Transmedia Talk 41: The Year in Review, Part 2 17 Mar 2012 | 03:35 am
Welcome to Transmedia Talk, a podcast covering all things Story. Transmedia Talk is co-hosted by Nick Braccia, Dee Cook, and Haley Moore and looks to shed light on the topic of transmedia storytelling...