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Tortina Loacker in viaggio la raffinata cremosità a tutto tondo 26 Jul 2013 | 11:56 am
Loacker Tortina Anche in viaggio la raffinata cremosità a tutto tondo Amate la pasticceria con un cuore di deliziosa crema, cioccolato finissimo e cialde di wafer leggere e croccanti? Allora conosce...
Valle di Tures e Aurina: Forti e agili come Elfi 18 Jul 2013 | 07:31 pm
Forti e agili come Elfi Fino al 31 agosto 2013 nell’Area Vacanze Valle di Tures e Aurina (BZ), i bambini dai 6 ai 12 anni si tramuteranno nei simpatici folletti dalle orecchie a punta Nella fiaba d...
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덕수궁, 2011 서울 북 페스티벌에서 만난 '서울 여행' 14 Oct 2011 | 12:54 pm
해마다 가을이면 열리는 서울 북 페스티벌. 올해도 어김없이 시작된 '2011 Seoul Book Festival'를 보러 덕수궁을 찾았답니다. 덕수궁 앞에 임시로 마련된 서울 북 페스티벌 부스에 책을 한권 기증하면 덕수궁 입장권을 포함한 티켓을 2장씩 받을 수 있는데 기증하지 않아도 다음엔 꼭 가져오라며 인원수대로 티켓을 주기도 하더라고요. ...
We Have Winners! 16 Apr 2011 | 10:08 am
Two of the events during the Writers’ Conference weekend had games and prizes. The Authors and Books Festival (Saturday, April 9) organizers gave out prizes to browsers and shoppers who visited multip...
Locations: Authors & Books Festival 22 Mar 2011 | 02:29 am
As far as we know this is now the final schedule for each location at the Authors & Books Festival. Click here for an overview of participating Authors & Exhibitors Should you see any accuracy gaps ...
Exhibitors on 5th Ave S April 9th, 2011: Authors & Books Festival 21 Mar 2011 | 04:39 am
Find below the list of exhibitors, with links to their websites, blog and the title of their main work, provided they were added to the registration. We are working on a schedule now with the merchan...
Four Ohio University Press Authors Participating in Ohioana Book Festival 2 Mar 2012 | 10:00 am
Congratulations to Katherine Ziff, Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Marilou Suszko, and Dale Patrick Brown, four OU Press authors who have been invited to participate in the May 12, 2012, Ohioana Book Festival. ...
Of Books and Bags 6 Aug 2009 | 01:32 am
Sorry for the somewhat pretentious title. I couldn't help myself because this post is about books and bags. Actually, it's about the Decatur Book Festival and tote bags made out of old Book Festival s...
Vineri, 18 iunie, la NRV 18 Jun 2010 | 07:10 pm
- scriitori romani la Moscow International Open Book Festival: Vasile Ernu si Florin Lazarescu, - Cosmin Ciotlos despre “Poezia antiutopica. O antologie a douamiismului poetic romanesc”, - interviur...
Austin Teen Book Festival - Review 6 Oct 2011 | 11:17 am
This past weekend was the awesome Austin Teen Book Festival. I dragged a high school friend up there and we hung out on Friday night with a bunch of fabulous bloggers. Threadgills is amazing! Great f...
The Writing Business by Jane Smith 27 Nov 2010 | 06:44 am
How Publishing Really Works is a great reference site. Jane Smith speaking earlier this year at the Edinburgh International Book Festival focused on getting published and earning the most from your wo...
UK Book Tour, October 14-29 10 Oct 2011 | 04:19 pm
Photo: Srinivas Kuruganti I'll be in the UK next week for a publicity tour for Beautiful Thing. I'll be appearing at book festivals, libraries, and at several great spaces for readers and writers, su...