Most truncated text plugin wordpress related news are at:

More truncated text plugin wordpress related news:
Firefox truncates content of WordPress posts 20 Jul 2006 | 02:14 am
If you use Firefox to edit a post, it may happen in some cases, especially on long posts and when switching between tabs, that the text gets truncated to an unspecified length. If you save this post, ...
Plugin WordPress: Empêcher les clics droit sur votre site WordPress. 28 Jul 2012 | 03:44 am
Comment interdire les clics droits sur votre site WordPress et ainsi empêcher les copies de vos images ou photos. L’utilité de cette interdiction est d’empêcher les copies (images, textes,photos …) e...
Colorful text widget – WordPress plugin 9 Jan 2013 | 08:00 am
Today I released my second WordPress plugin named “Colorful Text Widget”. This WordPress plugin Makes your text widgets colorful. More whistles and bells added on feature updates. Plugin Description: ...
ImagePOP WordPress Plugin 29 Jul 2013 | 11:01 pm
WordPress, by default, provides a lot of options to add content to your images for display and information purposes. For instance, you can add a caption, description, alternate text and title to all i...
Sublime Text – Plugin-uri 20 Aug 2013 | 10:12 am
Plugin-urile sunt diferența dintre un soft meh și unul wow (imaginează-ți cum ar fi WordPress fără plugin-uri!). Sublime are foarte, foarte multe. Sigur, pădure fără uscături nu se poate, dar majorita...
Drop-Down Post List Plugin for WordPress 7 Jul 2009 | 11:27 am
This plugin allows you to easily display drop-down boxes containing the posts for specified categories (or all categories). You can use this plugin by entering the trigger text in a post or page, or b...
Two Very Important Plugins To Make Sure You Have On Your WordPress Sites 7 Mar 2012 | 08:38 pm
Through the years of working with WordPress I have settled into a pretty efficient method of posting content. When I first started blogging I was using Windows Live Writer as my text editor which is ...
Von: admin 20 Aug 2010 | 04:56 pm
Hallo Bernd, das stimmt! Auto Blogging ist eine gute Möglichkeit. Es gibt einige WordPress Plugins, welche sogar die Inhalte/Texte in Deutsch übersetzen, d.h. du kannst damit auch dt. Nischenblogs fül...
How to place 125 x 125 ads in a wordpress text widget using CSS 18 Apr 2011 | 02:01 pm
If you want to put some 125 x 125 ads in your sidebar widgets and don’t want to use a plugin here is a handy little tip that will help you out. I searched for ages looking for a decent post on how to...
Sintassi colorata negli editor di temi e plugin con Advanced Code Editor 28 Jan 2012 | 01:11 am
Modificare i file di un tema direttamente dal pannello di amministrazione di WordPress è molto difficile, perché ci troviamo davanti una semplice text-area, senza numeri di righe, sintassi colorata ec...