Most turn off moderate comments phpbb related news are at: – phpBB • Free and Open Source Forum Software

Custom BBCode Development and Requests • Re: Hello, how to make the whole table center align? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:14 am

Oyabun1 wrote: Neither center not table are standard phpBB BBCodes so you mist be using custom BBCodes. A mention of the code for each would probably help. Oh yes, I use a lot of custom BBCodes, Tab...

[3.0.x] MOD Requests • Re: Looking for a Facebook-like Like button for my Forum... 27 Aug 2013 | 05:36 am

[RC2] phpBB Ajax Like Statistics: Posted by Jessica — Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:36 am

More turn off moderate comments phpbb related news:

Need some drupal help dealing with SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! 24 Oct 2012 | 08:49 pm

I want to do something with this page but the amount of spam accounts and comments I get is out of control and it drives me freaking nuts every time I login. Aside from turning on moderate everything,...

Vegan Eats 24 Jun 2013 | 03:59 am

Hi guys!  Thanks so much for your friendly comments welcoming me back here!  (I admit, though, that I forgot I had turned on "moderate all" for my comments when I shut down here almost 2 years ago. I ...

Open Thread 7 Mar 2011 | 06:05 am

Comment moderation is temporarily turned off-- so ask your questions, start discussions... talk to me, and talk to each other!

Attention Moron Spammer 14 Apr 2010 | 05:35 am

Comment moderation is now turned on. Your spam comments will never grace the pages of this blog. Have a nice day.

Trolls Suck 31 Aug 2011 | 11:32 am

Sorry everyone but for the moment I’ve turned on comment moderation while I deal with work, family, and chores.  I’ll get back to this in just a bit. My apologies to everyone.

Summer Vogues! 28 Apr 2013 | 04:05 am

Whew! There's only so much negativity I can take. Thanks for everyone's supportive comments per a peculiar listing on etsy. I've had to turn on comment moderation to stop the nasty comments from the p...

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