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How Abs Machine Scams Sucker People In 3 May 2012 | 03:14 am

The abs machine market contributes a large bulk of income in the TV infomercial industry. Thousands of people purchase these machines with the hope of getting six-pack abs. But do they really work? F...

The Debate Isn’t Over About The Ab Circle Pro 9 Jun 2010 | 01:10 am

Still being debated is the infomercial about the Ab Circle Pro. This fitness machine is not well liked by personal trainers and fitness experts. They seem to think that the workout you get from this m...

Ab Circle Pro Review -- Does This Abdominal Machine Really Work? 9 Oct 2009 | 12:44 pm

The Ab Circle Pro is currently the most popular abdominal exercise machine in the world... by far! You can see ads for it everywhere... on TV, on the web, and even in magazines and newspapers. All thi...

Ab Circle Pro Review – Should You Buy The Ab Circle Pro? 2 Dec 2010 | 11:00 am

  Ab Circle Pro Many of us have seen the infomercial that shows Jennifer Nicole Lee gliding on her knees back and forth in a half-circle motion on top of a machine known as the Ab Circle. This machine...

Abdominal Exercise Equipment: The Ab Rocket Machine 30 Jan 2013 | 11:14 am

The Ab rocket abdominal trainer as seen on TV got my abs looking tighter than ever The Ab Rocket is the best ab workout that I have come across and is a great ab exercise for both women and men.With t...

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