Most tweet to my blog related news are at:

1/4 of Companies Offer Workplace Sabbaticals. Why You Should Too 27 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
My Work Sabbatical & Digital Detox I recently did something that only the bravest men and women dare to do in our day and age. It was wild and unprecedented and took a great deal of self-control to s...
Tips to Manage Boomer Retirement 27 Aug 2013 | 05:17 am
The shift in workplace demographics is finally upon us. Industry experts predict that the wave of boomer retirements kicks off in 2013. An estimated 10,000 boomers turn age 66 each day (the official ...
More tweet to my blog related news:
The period of mourning is over 7 Dec 2011 | 08:18 am
It took a while, my period of mourning and self-imposed cessation of blogging but not from political tweeting. I view political tweeting as micro-blogging in a hit-and-run venue. Sarah Palin was force...
Radical 1 Apr 2009 | 09:25 am
So if this works I'll get a new tweet, a new blog post and my Facebook will be notified. I'm so "connected". More SSH fun soon...
¿Qué es Japón? Introducción a la cultura Japonesa 11 May 2011 | 12:00 pm
Para los que me seguís por twitter o los que ven mis tweets por el blog, hace unos meses pedí un libro a mi amigo Fernando Cid, genio y figura de varias campos como es la literatura española y británi...
Twitter Replies to blog post Tweet 25 Aug 2009 | 03:05 am
When someone responds to one of your tweets about a blog post, it will be converted to a comment. The replies are checked for on a near hourly basis. The comments go through whatever comment moderati...
Cara pasang Widget Twitter di blog 11 Apr 2012 | 05:04 am
Nah kali ini saya akan share sedikit tentang bagaimana cara memasang widget tweet updates di blog kalian,, nanti tweet kalian akan muncul di widget,jadi kliatan eksis nya ntar.. ckckck langsung aja ...
I Pimp my Man 4 Nov 2009 | 03:06 pm
Since New Regime tweeted about this blog I feel obligated to blog. (BTW: follow him I used to be a crazy flirt. CRAZY FLIRT but of course I slowed it down when I got into...
Mar 11, Chrysler Splits With New Media Strategies Over F-Bomb Tweet On Company Blog, Automaker Says It's Taking Matter Seriously, Not Being Overly Sen... 12 Mar 2011 | 04:37 am
When an employee of New Media Strategies dropped the f-bomb in a tweet from client Chrysler's Twitter account March 9, it might have been chalked up to one of those things that can happen to someone o...
All Change 10 Mar 2011 | 06:27 am
The past few weeks have been intense and up and down and overwhelming and of course, that means no blog posts. Recently a friend tweeted “Reading a blog belonging to one of you & really enjoying it. ...
Easily Embed Tweets in Your Blog Posts 6 Nov 2010 | 08:19 am
A new feature has been added to both and self-hosted WordPress (through a plugin), allowing you to integrate tweets into your site. Rather than having to create a screenshot and upload i...
Appcelerator, Iphone, Aviresto et bonne année 31 Jan 2011 | 05:29 am
2 mois et demi sans article… j’en suis profondément désolé chers lecteurs (qui doivent désormais se compter sur le bout des doigts). Plus de tweets, plus de blog, plus rien… et je ne suis pas convainc...