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More twins at 31 weeks related news:
31 Weeks 19 Sep 2011 | 11:56 pm
Diam tak diam dah 31 minggu baby dalam pewot aku. Dah dua kali kuar masuk hospital. Sekali tu sebab BSP tinggi, kali ke-2 sebab sakit kat previous scar. Hikmahnya boleh berehat kat hospital. Memang...
Our Guardian Angel,,,, 21 Jan 2009 | 08:44 pm
perkiraan USG baby girl,,,,ini kita USG pas 24 week,,, d RSB YPK, sama Dr.bambang karsono,,,perkiraan baby girl skr sih ud 31 week,,,beberapa hari lagi masuk 8 bulan,,, ga kerasa bngt waktu cepet berl...
Lucky #3: Finally, The Third Trimester 17 Oct 2009 | 11:44 am
Are you really doing this to me now? The computer is no longer on my lap, but rests about on my knees these days. The face says it all. Here I am in all my glory--31 weeks, which is 7 1/2 months ish,...
31 Day Challenge? 11 Nov 2011 | 04:27 am
So I kind of want to do this.... But with how often I paint my nails it'll be more like the 31 WEEK challenge. I've seen some other gals doing it and it looks fun! It will give me a chance to use som...
hudson {30 and 31 weeks old} 27 Apr 2011 | 01:00 am
Hudson is 7 months old! Closer to a year than to being a newborn. Sorry for the intermittent posting these days. Sleep is still an issue, and Hudson is much more active during the day, so finding time...
Bed Rest and Newborn Pics 5 Oct 2011 | 09:30 am
As you may all probably know, Spencer was a premie, he was over 7 weeks early. You probably also know I was on bed rest with Kinsey from 31 weeks to 36 weeks. (Is bedrest one word or two?) Even though...
Twins of the Week 9 Apr 2010 | 04:00 am
© 2010 Pamela Prindle Fierro, licensed to, In This week, the Twins of the Week are … mine! Happy birthday to my sweet daughters, who are turning fifteen today. They are spending their birth...
Our Guardian Angel,,,, 21 Jan 2009 | 03:44 pm
perkiraan USG baby girl,,,,ini kita USG pas 24 week,,, d RSB YPK, sama Dr.bambang karsono,,,perkiraan baby girl skr sih ud 31 week,,,beberapa hari lagi masuk 8 bulan,,, ga kerasa bngt waktu cepet berl...
Back to the 90s 10 Aug 2012 | 02:02 am
I'm still here and alive. I think LJ is alive as well, somewhere in the hills of Asheville or perhaps in the Potomac region. I'm almost 31 weeks pregnant at this point and up until this past weekend I...
Clouded Leopard Twins 19 Dec 2012 | 11:00 pm
Two 14-week-old brothers, Riki-san and Haui-san, play in their nursery at the San Diego Zoo. This slice of cute is brought to us from: Flickr