Most twitter delhi tweetup related news are at:

#DBM34 – “When Amit met Senthil” tweatup at Chandni Chowk 2 Jan 2011 | 12:03 am
Hello Delhi Bloggers! Wish you all a happy new year. What better way to start the new year than a meet where we eat! That’s something that all of us have been looking forward to & some of us have bee...
Twitter Updates for 2010-07-18 18 Jul 2010 | 06:00 pm
at @bagelscafe for #DBM33 .. @gkhamba, @utterflea and @twilightfairy here # #dbm33 @fakingnews has arrived.. and this is real news. # orders have been placed #dbm33 .. club sausage bagels & club chi...
More twitter delhi tweetup related news:
HappyBirthdaySalmanKhan began trending on Twitter 27 Dec 2012 | 10:23 am
Delhi: As Salman ‘Dabangg’ Khan adds another year to his bank of experiences and chronology, his fandom has made sure that they leave no stone unturned in making the day special. And goes without sayi...
13th SMBTS - “Twitter vs Facebook”-Which is better for business? 23 Jul 2010 | 10:06 pm
Cheers !!! To “Social Media Breakfast Meetup” At Compare infobase Ltd. Janakpuri-Delhi Twitsnaps hosted 13th Social media breakfast meetup. Topic of discussion was “Twitter vs Facebook”-Which is bett...
Twitsnaps hosted 10th Social Media Breakfast Meetup in Delhi 3 Jul 2010 | 04:32 am
Cheers !!! To “Social Media Breakfast Meetup” At Sagar Ratna, Janakpuri-Delhi Twitsnaps hosted 10th Social media breakfast meetup. Topic of discussion was “Twitter for Business” Who Attended: Simpar...
Endlich wieder ein Churer Tweetup 13 Jan 2012 | 05:19 am
Das letzte Tweetup im Bündnerland ist schon eine Weile her. In der Zwischenzeit hat sich einiges getan, es gab viele neue Gesichter bei Twitter, während andere in Richtung Unterland verschwanden. Kö...
140-Character Quake 8 Sep 2011 | 10:51 am
The first law of Twitter is tweet now, think later. This seems to have been confirmed by the reaction to the earthquake that struck Delhi. Tweets streamed on, while Dilliwallahs should have been strea...
Amplify Festival Twitter Dinner /w @rwang0 @venessamiemis @ourfounder /cc @maverickwoman #AmplifyFest 7 Jun 2011 | 01:08 am
I first met Ray Wang at Coffee Mornings last year - one of Sydney's oldest and most enjoyable tweetups (every Friday at Single Origin Roasters Surry Hills) We hit it off straight away talking disrupt...
What is a tweetup? 31 Jan 2011 | 11:15 am
An organised or impromptu gathering of people that use Twitter. (A meet up of people that 'tweet' using Twitter.)
#jobsearch #jobs #career #Vadodara Area Sales Manager- VOIP (Delhi / Baroda / Chennai) 2 Sep 2011 | 11:26 am
#jobsearch #jobs #career #Vadodara Area Sales Manager- VOIP (Delhi / Baroda / Chennai) “voip – Twitter Search
A Very Puffy Pancake Tweetup 20 Feb 2011 | 06:56 am
This morning brought the monthly Pancake Tweetup, and Rick made pancake puffs, which elicited a lot of drooling from my friends on Twitter. So I asked him to explain what they were and how to make the...
Twitter Updates for 2010-05-09 9 May 2010 | 06:00 pm
rt @vindee: @delhitweetup A shout out to foodies in NCR. Dinner for 2 giveaway,Empress of China, Intercontinental Eros, # © twilight for Delhi Bloggers Bloc, 2010. | ALL RIGHTS RE...