Most twitter iphone non push related news are at:
Stamplay among top seed stage startup at Seedcamp Week 11 May 2013 | 06:33 pm
Tweet There is also Stamplay among the startups that will participate in the Seedcamp Week to be held in Berlin. It is the only Italian company selected by the most important European accelerator, wh...
My Mini-Seedcamp Experience with Stamplay 24 Apr 2013 | 02:03 am
Tweet Stamplay attended Mini-Seedcamp in Kiev this week. It was a great experience. In an event like this you meet a lot of mentors with various degrees of experience and knowledge all packed in a ha...
More twitter iphone non push related news:
MobileNotifier – Cleveres Benachrichtigungscenter 28 Feb 2011 | 11:33 pm
Bisher nutze ich ja Boxcar, nicht nur um mit Twitter Nachrichten per Push aufs iPhone zu schicken, sondern auch um meine Benachrichtigungen zu verwalten, bzw auch noch später zu sehen, was aufs iPhone...
Twitter updated for iPhone and Android with New notifications system 27 Apr 2012 | 11:42 pm
Twitter has updated Twitter app for iPhone and Android, Twitter 4.2 comes with New push notifications system and New language support. Description Follow your interests: instant updates from your frie...
Social customer service vuol dire esserci sempre 20 Aug 2013 | 11:42 am
Ormai hai superato la fase push dei social, vero? Facebook, Twitter e Google Plus non servono solo a spingere contenuti: li puoi usare anche creare rapporti reali e duraturi con i clienti. Su queste ...
BonjourBonjour per iPhone, il social network per conoscere persone nelle vicinanze 23 Aug 2013 | 05:05 pm
Ci sono social network, come Facebook e Twitter, che hanno ottenuto un successo che probabilmente i loro fondatori non avrebbero neanche immaginato. E ci sono social network che, in un groviglio quasi...