Most twitter laurie penny related news are at:

EDL In Birmingham July 20th 22 Jul 2013 | 10:14 pm
There’s been a lot said about the EDL visit to Birmingham on Saturday and none of it good. The reality is nothing good did happen but then nothing that bad happened either. I think it’s all a matter o...
Lichfield Garrick Theatre 1 Jul 2013 | 08:00 pm
Tory lead Lichfield District Council have to find £1.7million of cuts because of a combination of their own financial mis management and central government funding cuts. For many years they have provi...
More twitter laurie penny related news:
Disagreeing With Laurie Penny Makes you Sexist. 20 Dec 2012 | 04:50 pm
We don’t normally take much notice of spats on Twitter unless we’re lucky enough to directly involved. They blow up, they die down and the 140 character limit means it’s rare that anything of real va...
New Podcast! Listen to our second live event 4 Mar 2013 | 04:48 pm
A few weeks ago we held our second live podcast event, as British journalist Laurie Penny, activist and journalist Anthea McTiernan and activist and blogger Suzy Byrne joined Anna to discuss the state...
What's 'Provocative', Anyway? 30 May 2013 | 11:52 pm
Here's Laurie Penny saying some very smart and interesting things yet again. Her blog has moved to a new address, by the way, so make sure to click the link and update your reader!
The late linkspam of August (overseas edition) 12 Aug 2013 | 12:58 pm
So I’m enjoying myself in a bit of summer (thought right now I’m a bit too hot), in Europe, and I completely forgot my linkspam duties. So here is some linkspam, albeit a bit late. Laurie Penny at T...
Debating Polyamory 27 Aug 2013 | 12:17 pm
First, Laurie Penny in the Guardian: [n]on-monogamy is stereotyped as a bad deal for women and girls, all of whom actually just want a white wedding, because we women are all the same, simple creatur...
Review – Cybersexism by Laurie Penny 27 Aug 2013 | 02:04 pm
Misogyny. No other word can capture the avalanche of abuse that was heaped upon Caroline Criado-Perez, Stella Creasy, Mary Beard and other women just under a month ago. It was frightening and disturbi...
Debating Polyamory 27 Aug 2013 | 12:17 pm
First, Laurie Penny in the Guardian: [n]on-monogamy is stereotyped as a bad deal for women and girls, all of whom actually just want a white wedding, because we women are all the same, simple creatur...
Laurie Penny looks at cybersexism 23 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
Laurie Penny joins ‘women on Twitter’ debate with new essay. Author and leading feminist commentator Laurie Penny is entering the debate on Twitter, women and trolling with ‘Cybersexism’, a new essay...
Choose Love (Even When It Sucks) 7 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm
Love is worth it. Even if it breaks your heart. Anything that makes more space inside is worth the risk. I was reading journalist Laurie Penny this morning. She spent the night at a friend’s apartme....
Girls and women 5 Jul 2013 | 07:22 pm
I shared Laurie Penny's article last week on Facebook, highlighting a paragraph that appealed to me in particular, especially at that point in my life: "It’s definitely easier to be a girl than it is ...