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More twitter term related news:

What is a Hashtag (#) or Pound Sign on Twitter? 9 Apr 2009 | 10:32 am

A "hashtag" , or a pound sign, is a Twitter term for the symbol that looks like this: # When used in Twitter, the hashtag signals that the person Twittering is referring to a subject, or common theme...

Screen Scraping Twitter 29 Mar 2009 | 04:20 am

I got an email today asking for help to scrape Twitter. In particular, to be able to login. So I am going to show everyone, NOT to encourage anyone to violate Twitters terms of use but as an education...

Remedial Tweeting (a good laugh from the archives 2008) 6 Nov 2012 | 07:06 pm

A) Description This course involves a careful examination of all things Twitter.  Emphases are on development of basic awareness of completely foreign Twitter terms, resources and a ton of crap you n...

Twitter Acquires Big Data Visualization Startup Lucky Sort, Service To Shutter In Months Ahead 14 May 2013 | 01:03 am

Lucky Sort, a Portland, Oregon-based startup behind a visualization and navigation engine called TopicWatch that helped to discover patterns in live data streams, has been acquired by Twitter. Terms o...

REMEDIAL TWEETING 101 - THE SYLLABUS (Archives) 7 Nov 2012 | 01:23 am

A. DESCRIPTION This course involves a careful examination of all things Twitter.  Emphases are on development of basic awareness of completely foreign Twitter terms, resources and a ton of crap you n...

Twitter Bootstrap popoverのtriggerをtoggleとかに変える 18 Mar 2012 | 07:19 pm ノーマルは $(function(){ $('.popup').popover() }); という感じ。トリガーをマニュアルにしたい。toggle [...]

Prescription Drug Treatment Program on Your Terms 23 Sep 2011 | 12:37 pm

Drug treatment is never easy. But that doesn’t mean it has to be a miserable experience. On the contrary, the private prescription drug treatment programs administered by luxury drug treatment centers...

Les Aliments OGM – Un Faux Sentiment de Sécurité ? 2 Jul 2011 | 01:58 am

La majorité des consommateurs Américains croit à tort que la FDA n’approuve les aliments génétiquement modifiés, qu’après que ces derniers aient subi des études à long terme, rigoureuses, et en profon...

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