Most two hearted ale clone related news are at:

Stone IPA Clone 10 Jul 2012 | 09:40 am
OG: 1.065 IBU: 77 All Grain Recipe 12.5 lbs. 2-Row 1 lb. Crystal 20 0.5 oz Magnum 90 minutes 0.66 oz Perle 60 minutes 2.0 oz Centennial 15 minutes 1.0 oz Centennial dry hop 0.5 oz Chinook dr...
What temperature should must, grape juice, be before the yeast is added? 2 Oct 2010 | 03:07 pm
Yeast is a delicate organism and requires some care before it goes to work in your wine. It is important when re-hydrating the yeast, to not “cook” it with too hot of water. You should re-hydrate the ...
More two hearted ale clone related news:
We have hops sprouting 27 Mar 2013 | 04:18 am
Yes indeed. The Centennial hop rhizomes have sent bines into the air. We here at Flog This Dead, should be able to use it in a fresh hop version of Bell’s Two Hearted ale clone [PDF link to recipe]. C...
We have hops sprouting 27 Mar 2013 | 04:18 am
Yes indeed. The Centennial hop rhizomes have sent bines into the air. We here at Flog This Dead, should be able to use it in a fresh hop version of Bell’s Two Hearted ale clone [PDF link to recipe]. C...
Bells Two Hearted Ale 21 Aug 2013 | 01:39 am
This afternoon I spent about 10 minutes prying a TINY shard of glass out of my finger tip. It had been in there for the last 7 days and was hurting like a SOB. If you ever read “it will work itself ou...