Most typo related news are at:

Forever Los Angeles 23 Aug 2013 | 08:41 pm
A book project by Sven Hoffmann Forever Los Angeles ist ein Projekt von Sven Hoffmann, für das er ein Kickstarter gestartet hat. Pressetext: FOREVER LOS ANGELES will be a book of photography, paying...
CORPORATE COLLECTIONS 23 Aug 2013 | 06:31 pm
Corporate Collections ist ein Buch, das wir euch gerne Vorstellen möchten. Pressetext: In Zeiten knapper Kassen und gekürzter Kulturbudgets steigt die Bedeutung privater und unternehmerischer Kulturf...
More typo related news:
One Song, Many Voices 9 May 2011 | 11:30 pm
Funny thing. My job’s always been to look out for the outlier, tag the typo, discern the difference, and find the flaw. To sift for clues, kill the clutter, focus the lens, get to the point, and mak...
Loading an External .swf in AS3 22 Sep 2007 | 09:42 am
Here’s a simple example of loading a .swf in AS3. I had a typo before but now it’s fixed - sorry about that. Also, I updated it so you don’t have to strictly use it in an Class setting. Happy Coding…...
Handwritten Typographers 11 Apr 2008 | 06:11 pm
This is only example Post, Test for special purpose, I hope you enjoy my test and have a nice day. Hit pause for a moment and consider how greatly we – people in the digital age – are indebted to typo...
TemplaVoilà: Default content for empty fields 27 Nov 2010 | 12:48 am
Thanks to stdWrap doing this is quite easy: Edit the TemplaVoilà datastructure, search the field you want to fill with default content if it’s empty and look for it’s TypoScript configuration: <Typo...
Google’s Annual Revenue from Typosquatting Put At $497m 22 Feb 2010 | 04:51 am
Just read the news and wanted to share with you guys , it says “Most people regard typos as nuisances, just inconsequential mistakes that cause them to lose a second of time hitting the backspace key....
I may be more than slightly neurotic. 4 Mar 2009 | 04:04 am
To me, typos in books and other professionally printed pieces are like a steering wheel on a hermaphroditic *pixie* pirate's crotch. It drives me nuts.
Esher + Typo + New Group + More! 6 Feb 2010 | 01:25 am
166 Ways to Misspell the Word “Twitter” 24 Mar 2009 | 06:34 am
Twitter started as “Twtter” as it was reported in Twitter Turns Three on TechCrunch. By curiosity, I wanted to know the possible misspellings for the “hottest social media site.” For that I used Typo...
Barmani na wesele 18 May 2012 | 07:07 pm
Chciałbyś by twoje wesele było doskonałe i twoi goście jeszcze przez długie lata wspominali te niezapomniane chwile? Warto pomyśleć o czymś mniej typo...
Early Easter Egg . . . (I mean typo) Hunt 28 Feb 2012 | 07:34 am
26 FEB 2012 ‹ Back to News ! We have been over and over the site with great intentions of finding all of our errors and typos. Unfortunately, I think that we may be missing some that are staring us...