Most ubuntu apps related news are at:

Cannonical to stop financial support to Kubuntu Developer after 12.04 7 Feb 2012 | 04:11 pm
In a rather surprising news, Jonathan Riddell who is a developer working on Kubuntu has announced on mailing list that Cannonical has decided to stop providing financial support to the developer after...
Linux on Desktop : The Journey so far 9 Nov 2011 | 10:29 pm
First of all an Introduction, I am Ambuj Varshney, I have recently graduated with bachelors in Information and Communication Technology and for the past two years I have been working on Wireless Senso...
More ubuntu apps related news:
Canonical woos developers with Ubuntu app prep portal 17 Sep 2011 | 12:41 am
Forums: Distro News By Iain Thomson Canonical has set up a site to help developers package and sell the code they produce. The site is designed to help to popularize the operating system, encourag....
Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview y SDK Alpha disponibles 21 Feb 2013 | 09:39 pm
Ya están disponibles las imágenes y el codigo de Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview y el SDK Alpha, según nos cuentan desde Ubuntu App Developer. Destinado principalmente a desarrolladores y personas inte...
The Ubuntu App Showdown Contest 21 Aug 2013 | 08:19 pm
Welcome to the second Ubuntu App Showdown, an open contest to develop new Ubuntu applications from startup to deployment in just six weeks! This time we’ll have a mobile theme, asking developers to wr...
Itt a második Ubuntu App Showdown pályázat 8 Aug 2013 | 03:14 pm
Az Ubuntu bejelentette a második Ubuntu App Showdown pályázatot. A résztvevők feladata alkalmazások fejlesztése és publikálása az Ubuntu SDK (fejlesztői környezet) segítségével az Ubuntu Touch platfor...
Second Ubuntu App Showdown Is Live Now – Submit Your App Using The New Ubuntu SDK And Ubuntu Touch Platform 7 Aug 2013 | 10:44 pm
Ubuntu team got very busy schedule these days! Just announced the second Ubuntu App Showdown contest to develop new Ubuntu applications from the startup to deployment in just six weeks. It will be sta...
Win Canonical’s Ubuntu App Showdown Contest and Get a Google Nexus 4 8 Aug 2013 | 07:13 pm
Developers can now participate and win a FREE Google Nexus 4 by participating and winning in Canonical’s Ubuntu App Showdown contest. “Contestants will have six weeks to build and publish their apps ...
Ubuntu App Showdown – открыт конкурс разработки приложений для Ubuntu Phone 12 Aug 2013 | 12:19 am
Ubuntu App Showdown – конкурс разработки приложений для Ubuntu, вернулся и на этот раз нацелен на создание мобильных версий приложений. Мероприятие будет длиться 6 недель, до 15 сентября, а через нед...
Конкурс приложений для Ubuntu Touch 8 Aug 2013 | 03:35 am
Canonical вновь объявляет о старте конкурса Ubuntu App Showdown. На этот раз он будет посвящен мобильной версии операционной системы - Ubuntu Touch. В октябре выйдет финальный релиз 1.0 этой платформы...
Google mobile app to identify people’s faces 1 Apr 2011 | 01:09 am
You meet someone in the restaurant and want to know his/her personal profile. You don’t even have to ask him. Just take your mobile phone and snap...
[Updated] MobileST: Smartphone Modul/Template für xt:Commerce und Forks 19 Jun 2011 | 10:52 pm
Smartphones gewinnen aktuell immer mehr an Bedeutung. Große E-Commerce Versandhäuser, wie z.B. Amazon, optimieren Ihre Web-Auftritte mittlerweile alle für dieses Medium. Es werden sogar eigene Apps fü...