Most ubuntu ati treiber related news are at:

Mit Marktforschung zum Unternehmenserfolg beitragen 15 Jul 2013 | 04:33 pm
Die meisten global operierenden erfolgreichen Unternehmen haben nahezu die gleiche Struktur. Neben den Abteilungen für Forschung und Entwicklung stellen der Vertrieb und das Marketing wichtige Säulen ...
Datenverlust, was ist zu tun 15 Jul 2013 | 04:31 pm
Im Zeitalter der immer schneller fortschreitenden IT-Technik ist das Thema Sichern und Speichern von Daten ein allgegenwärtiges Thema. Ob im privaten oder gewerblichen Bereich werden enorme Speicherk...
More ubuntu ati treiber related news:
AMD ATI Catalyst 12.4 drivers released : News and installation on Ubuntu 28 Apr 2012 | 07:27 am
In a day where Valve showed the first official images of Steam for Linux ,AMD has released version 12.4 of its ATI Catalyst driver. The AMD Catalyst 12.4 driver (Fglrx 8.96 series) can be downloaded ...
Update xserver ubuntu 12.04 27 May 2012 | 10:17 am
Эта, можно сказать, заметка поможет “счастливым” владельцам видео карт ATI. Вчера Update Manager в очередной раз предложил обновить файлы xserver-а. После обновления перегружаемся и “иксы” не стартуют...
Cara Instal dan Hapus Driver Kartu Grafis ATI / AMD di Ubuntu 9 Feb 2012 | 07:46 pm
Untuk menggunakan Gnome Shell biasanya yang menggunakan kartu grafis driver-nya harus terinstal terlebih dahulu agar Gnome Shell dapat berjalan. Untuk ATI sendiri ada driver proprietary yang disediaka...
[DESKTOP EFFECT COULD NOT BE ENABLED] ATI RADEON HD5470 Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Merkat 6 Jan 2011 | 01:48 am
Hai Bloggie… bagi kalian2 yang mempunyai problem yang sama tidak bisa memainkan efek compiz fusion di VGA ATI Radeon HD5470 Ubuntu Maverick, coba deh ikutin cara aku: 1. Seperti biasa, download dulu p...
Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and Python 17 Apr 2009 | 06:11 am
Last week I've started with testing Ubuntu 9.04. The update process ran smoothly as usual but I had to switch from fglrx to radeonhd because the proprietary ATI driver seems to lack support for the gr...
Ubuntu: nVidia card slow? Monitor flickers? Try this fix and boost graphic card performance! 23 Nov 2009 | 12:02 am
Switching from an ATI card to an nVidia one was not so simple, as X was configured to work with an ATI card. What I had to do was to boot in Safe Gnome, download the nVidia drivers to my desktop, then...
Ubuntu: Karmic Koala 9.10, should I buy you an nVidia or ATI video card? 17 Nov 2009 | 08:28 am
ATI sucks, for real! Definitely an nVidia graphic card. Why? Because AMD is very frivolous when it comes to support its legacy video cards. I don’t think that a 3 years old video card should be consi...
How to Install Dropbox on Kubuntu – KDE Desktop 27 Aug 2011 | 01:33 am
Recently I’ve changed from Ubuntu running Gnome 3 front end to Ubuntu running the KDE front end or Kubuntu. the main reason for this change are problems with the Ati graphics drivers . One of the thi...
Ubuntu on HP 431 – Correctly Installing ATI Radeon 6470M Drivers 16 Jul 2012 | 08:19 pm
Hi, I was too busy to post any updates here, but I recently successfully installed the proprietary drivers for ATI Radeon Graphics which are failing by default/giving issues. If you would have instal...
Ubuntu 9.04-Coming Soon! 21 Jul 2012 | 09:41 pm
Download 9.04 X.Org server 1.6 The latest X.Org server, version 1.6, is available in Jaunty. A number of video cards have been transitioned to free drivers as part of this update. The -ati driver h...