Most ubuntu unity launcher related news are at:

HOWTO Interpret, Understand and Resolve Common pkg(1M) Errors on Solaris 11 8 Aug 2013 | 05:58 pm
Solaris 11 has been out on the market for nigh on two years and it's an absolutely brilliant evolution in the history of Solaris, however I've come to notice one common issue that really shouldn't be ...
CVE-ID Syntax Change 23 Jul 2013 | 01:08 pm
Due to the ever increasing volume of public vulnerability reports, the CVE Editorial Board and MITRE determined that the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) project should change the syntax of...
More ubuntu unity launcher related news:
How to drag and drop files between windows in Ubuntu Unity launcher bar 2 Jul 2012 | 08:40 pm
So I like Unity, it looks nifty and the Zeitgeist launcher is so productive. One huge gripe about unity though, is that you cannot, apparently, drag&drop files between applications open in the Unity l...
Добавляем трей в Ubuntu Unity 3 May 2012 | 01:55 am
Многое изменилось с приходом Unity в Ubuntu. Среди изменений есть то, с чем я могу смириться, то, чему я рад, и то, что меня периодически гложет. В последнем списке, среди прочего, находится tray — си...
Sublime text 2 Unity Launcher 21 Feb 2012 | 08:01 am
I've looked into Sublime text 2 today, mostly unhappy with the speed Java based IDEs have on linux 64bit. When launching it, although I chose "keep in launcher", the icon does not stay there, so i cre...
Ubuntu 11.10 Hadir dengan User Interface Unity, Launcher & Dash yang Baru 6 Nov 2011 | 07:36 am
Tanggal 13 Oktober kemarin Ubuntu resmi meluncurkan sistem operasi Ubuntu 11.10 ‘Oneiric Ocelot’ untuk diunduh secara gratis oleh para penggemar dan pengguna Linux oleh Canonical. Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiri...
Tambahkan Google+ Di Unity Launcher 12 Jul 2011 | 06:47 pm
Google+ adalah jejaring sosial milik Google yang sedang naik daun. Saat ini G+ masih adalam tahap beta. Dan baru akan dibuka untuk umum sekitar akhir Juli 2011 atau Agustus 2011. Kali ini Waroeng Ubun...
Diamo a Gnome quel che è di Banshee 17 Dec 2011 | 11:04 am
Recentemente sono state molte le discussioni su LinuxMint, alcune delle quali pro, altre contro, legate in particolare al rapporto Ubuntu/Unity e la scelta di LinuxMint di passare a gnome-shell, ma un...
Unity – Launcher und Panel Transparenz, Icongröße und Verhalten 15 Sep 2011 | 05:09 am
Unity, seit Natty Narwhale Ubuntus neue Oberfläche, bietet in dessen neuester Version (Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot) viele neue Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Größter Kritikpunkt an Unity in Ubuntu 11.04 wa...
How to fix things when Ubuntu Unity Dock Gets Stuck 6 Nov 2011 | 01:39 pm
Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.x yet? I have, and while I was not a big fan of 11.04 (believe me, I was looking for alternatives), when 11.10 came and I’m back on the Ubuntu fanboy bandwagon! They... To read ...
Créer un raccourci Eclipse sur Ubuntu 2 Apr 2012 | 11:00 am
Un post de Lars Vogel sur la création d'un raccourci Eclipse sur Ubuntu Unity... Toujours intéressant de voir des acteurs de l'open-source conserver un peu de logique en utilisant autre chose qu'OS X ...
Desktop Slidershows für Ubuntu Unity dank Pictoric 12 Jul 2012 | 12:35 am
Ubuntu 12.04 bringt leider noch keine eingebaute Funktion für Wallpaper Slideshows mit. Doch es gibt einige Programme, die dieses Feature hinzufügen. Eines davon ist Pictoric. Das Verlangen nach Slid...