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Flash 真的过时了么? 4 Mar 2010 | 09:11 pm
刚刚上网查资料时浏览器中的 Flash 突然全挂,好在是 Chrome,浏览器自己没事儿。突然想到了早上看的新闻,Virgin America 新官网彻底抛弃 Flash,难道 Flash 被 HTML 5 替代真是大势所趋么? 从我个人角度来说,我是比较偏向 HTML 5 不喜欢 Flash 的。我一直都是个不会 Flash 的 HTML Developer,虽然我能用 Flash 做一些简单...
iTunes Store 已售出 100 亿首音乐 25 Feb 2010 | 09:15 pm
Apple 是一家奇妙的公司,自从乔大爷用 iPod 给她带来了第二次生命之后,可以说后来的一切奇迹都和这个小小的随身听有着千丝万缕的联系。而曾经作为这个小家伙的副产品 iTunes Store,如今早已成为音乐贩卖的重要渠道。今天对于它来说,是一个有里程碑意义的一天,iTunes Store 到今天已经累计售出了 100 亿首音乐! 100 亿是个惊人的数字,我们刨去 10% 的免费音乐,就算...
More ubuntu vpn server related news:
Ubuntu 11.04 Malaysia source list example 29 Oct 2011 | 03:38 am
ubuntu-1104 For those having server or desktop build from Ubuntu Linux. Below are what location to choose after installation. Usually it needs to sourced from nearest Ubuntu mirror server/repo to yo...
dezentrales P2P VPN mit Linux und OpenVPN 23 Feb 2012 | 05:37 am
Einleitung Sollen mehrere Rechner in einem virtuellen Netzwerk zusammenzuschließen, so verwendet man dafür in der Regel einen zentralen VPN-Server zu dem alle anderen Rechner verbinden. Es handelt si...
OverPlay VPN Reviews 5 Mar 2012 | 03:48 am
OverPlay have a world’s best and high speed VPN servers which are located in 12 countries, they have different 48 servers. OverPlay is one of the best VPN service provider in the world. They help you ...
Step by Step Install and Configure Squid Proxy Server on CentOS 6 11 Mar 2012 | 07:00 am
I just purchased a new server in New York for use as a private Proxy and VPN server. I did this for a number of reasons; privacy, security, to improve my speed, for use on public or open networks, or ...
Access Your PayPal Account From Secure VPN Server All Around the World 13 Sep 2011 | 06:52 am
PayPal is a well known solution for online payments with good security that facilitates online payment for both sellers and buyers. PayPal utilizes different security mechanisms to identify fraudulent...
Install VPN PPTP Server on CentOS 6 31 Oct 2011 | 08:07 pm
In this tutorial, we will use pptp as protocol to connect to VPN server using a username and password, with 128 bit MPPE encryption. Variable as below: OS: CentOS 6 64bit VPN server: VP...
How to setup pptp VPN server on Linux [Tutorial] 8 Sep 2010 | 04:45 am
I’m moving to Japan very soon and remembered that Google Voice won’t be working once I step onto Land of the Rising Sun. So I figured I should setup a VPN tunneling for me to access services that is a...
Otthoni szerver Linux alapokon 20 May 2009 | 10:00 am
Ubuntu (Home) Server LAMPP, Samba, Webmin és Torrentflux-b4rt csomagokkal Nem rég indítottam egy otthoni szervert adatmegosztás, helyi webszerver és torrent kliens célokra. Itt meg is osztom a recepte...
Ubuntu: DNS Server 21 Feb 2011 | 12:38 am
We will configure a DNS server on a Ubuntu machine. This server will act as the master DNS for the local domain in this example, which is First, get the bind9 and the utility package with...
INFO VPN 21 Dec 2010 | 08:44 pm
PENTING !! kami bukan menjual internet cepat Banyak orang yang mengira dengan mengakses VPN akan mempercepat koneksi internet mereka sesuai dengan kecepatan internet VPN [Server] yang mereka pakai, b...