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Gazzede Tünelin Ucu Gör&uum 13 Feb 2009 | 09:32 am
ÜRETRA 20 Apr 2012 | 07:08 pm
İdrarı mesaneden vücut dışına ulaştıran iki ucu açık tüp biçimindeki kanala verilen addır. Üretra erkekte 18-20 cm. kadında ise 4 cm. uzunluğundadır. Üretranın mesaneye açılan deliğine ‘îç meatus’, v...
Tefal FV4640 Ultragliss Easycord 2300Watt 100gr Buharlı Ütü 7 Feb 2012 | 06:14 am
Tefal FV4640 Ultragliss Easycord 2300Watt 100gr Buharlı Ütü 2300watt 100 g/dk şok buhar 0-35 g/mn sürekli buhar Geniş denge üçgeni Sivri buhar ucu 2 kat hızlı dolum sağlayan 300cc geniş su hazne...
Campaigning in Calderdale 25 Jun 2010 | 03:27 am
UCU held a staff event during lunchtime, to which community groups affected by cuts at the college were invited. Pink and Blue fairy cakes were given out to everyone who signed the joint union’s petit...
Action at Hereford College of Arts 24 Jun 2010 | 04:14 am
The UCU and NUS branches here ran events in tandem, including speakers and a recruitment stall. UCU also showed their film ‘day in the life’. “Thanks for attending today. You may or may not know th...
Lively lunchtime rally in Southampton 24 Jun 2010 | 04:07 am
Southampton University UCU, UNISON and UNITE held stalls and a lively lunchtime rally on the green. They collected signatures and made up 200 placards to represent the number of admin posts currently ...
Nursery protest at Goldsmiths 24 Jun 2010 | 03:56 am
Goldsmiths College UNISON, NUS and UCU used the day to highlight their campaign to save the college nursery following management’s decision to shut the facility from September 2010 leaving staff and s...
Vuvuzelas protest in Doncaster 23 Jun 2010 | 04:12 am
Doncaster College union members held noisy protests throughout the day using UCU-customised vuvuzelas to express their anger at the cuts!
Unions uniting up in Aberdeen 23 Jun 2010 | 02:34 am
University of Aberdeen UCU, UNISON and UNITE branches held a lively rally outside the university.
Vakko çanta Fiyonk detaylı 17 Nov 2011 | 08:49 pm
Yan Arka kısımda fiyonk detayı bulunan, ön kısmında fermuarlı cep detaylı çanta %100 deri Lacivert deri, Siyah biyeli - Siyah kroko baskı deri fermuar ucu - Siyah dikişli Dore aksesuarlı - Şarap as...