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More ultimate ubuntu related news:
How to build the ultimate Ubuntu/Lighttpd/PHP/MySQL server, and keep it running 16 Jan 2011 | 06:16 am
This is going to be a very long post. Read it thoroughly, it’s very detailed and you can mess things up easily if you forget certain steps, which forces you to start over again. If you don’t understa...
Ubuntu 11.04 Mouse and Keyboard Issues 17 May 2011 | 09:35 pm
If like myself you have upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu, you may have also noticed that the keyboard and mouse do not work, you have to bang the mouse or press keys down several times for the...
PhotonWP – The Ultimate Photography Showcase Theme 24 Aug 2010 | 04:00 pm
PhotonWP features everything that Photon already offered bt now with the option to be managed with WordPress. Featuring the all new DDPanel. You can’t miss out on this! Check out the theme screenshot...
Buddyvents v2.0 Out Now 25 Sep 2011 | 01:08 am
After months of hard work we are very proud to announce the release of Buddyvents 2.0, the ultimate events plugin for BuddyPress. This version is fully compatible with BuddyPress 1.5 and comes with a ...
Ultimate AVATAR Fans 21 Dec 2010 | 05:26 am
AVATAR enthusiasts take their fandom seriously. Where some fans list their home base as San Diego, others like Ney Taronyu may just assert they live on Pandora. Fans like vee sweat the details of the ...
Stuart Wider 2 Aug 2011 | 04:47 pm
Live Demo Site uses the new ‘Ultimate Authority’ Pro Skin (beta) which is now available to members, and shows the theme stripped back to basics in squeeze mode. >> Visit
Upcoming Android Phones 11 Jul 2011 | 02:00 pm
Designer: jgriffin02 Jgriffin02 has installed the new Pro Skin style for HeatMap Theme on this site called ‘Ultimate Authority’ (beta) (looks cool huh?). This skin is now available for members to down...
Creativity Pro 30 Jun 2011 | 04:33 pm
Live Demo Site using the new ‘Ultimate Authority’ Pro Skin for HeatMap Theme (beta) which are now available to members. >> View
PCLinuxOS 2009.2 fits like an old pair of jeans 20 Jul 2009 | 07:16 am
Something has gone south in the recent developments of the Linux operating system. My old linux rig IBM Think T41 is experiencing significant slow downs with very latest revisions of Ubuntu, and other...
Gears of War Ultimate Edition – Both Games & DLC for $30? 3 Jan 2011 | 05:19 am
According to a (removed) listing on GameStop’s website, Gears of War Ultimate will be hitting shelves come February, and it’s rumoured it will contain both of the esteemed games, alongside a complete ...