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Charlie Sheen y Selma Blair: HOT en Anger Management 2 Mar 2013 | 09:19 am
Él es más conocido hoy en día por su amor a las mujeres que por su actuación. Y lamentablemente para Charlie Sheen, él fue interrumpido justo cuando las cosas se calentaban con Selma Blair en el últim...
Charlie Sheen Calls Days of Our Lives Producers "Pig Phukkers" For "Firing" Chandler Massey 24 Aug 2013 | 09:41 am
Anger Management star Charlie Sheen had some choice words on Twitter for Days of Our Lives producer. The ultimate "winner" alleged the show had fired the extremely popular Chandler Massey, then procee...
Charlie Sheen Calls Days of Our Lives Producers "Pig Phukkers" For "Firing" Chandler Massey 24 Aug 2013 | 09:41 am
Anger Management star Charlie Sheen had some choice words on Twitter for Days of Our Lives producer. The ultimate "winner" alleged the show had fired the extremely popular Chandler Massey, then procee...