Most umeå university related news are at: Neurobiologen som kan förhindra ett krig – eller start det 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Den amerikanska tidskriften Foreign Policy porträtterar neurobiologen Åke Sellström, tidigare på FOI men nu verksam på Europeiska CBRNE-centret vid Umeå universitet, som leder de vapeninspektörer som ...
Möt forskare på ForskarFredag i Umeå 26 Aug 2013 | 03:53 pm
Under vetenskapsfesten ForskarFredag är alla välkomna att pröva på och inspireras av forskning. I Umeå kan besökarna bland annat uppleva en fysik- och kemishow, göra sina egna solceller, lyssna på för...
More umeå university related news:
Traveling again! Off to Sweden and LA :D 26 Mar 2012 | 12:06 pm
Hellooo! Just letting you know I’m traveling again, and maybe in your direction! I’ll be teaching the cross-media design course for 6 weeks at Umeå University in Sweden. I gave some guest lectures the...
Postdoctoral Position (2 years) in Biogeochemistry 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Umeå, Sweden - Umeå University - Deadline: 31/05/12
Graphene nanoscrolls are formed by decoration of magnetic nanoparticles 16 Aug 2013 | 01:26 pm
Researchers at Umeå University, together with researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University, show in a new study how nitrogen doped graphene can be rolled into perfect Archimedean nano sc...
Graphene Nanoscrolls Are Formed by Decoration of Magnetic Nanoparticles 22 Aug 2013 | 02:35 am
Researchers at Umeå University, together with researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University, show in a new study how nitrogen doped graphene can be rolled into perfect Archimedean nano sc...
Der König aller Krankheiten 23 Feb 2012 | 04:26 am
Millionen Menschen haben gegen ihn gekämpft, unter ihm gelitten, doch meistens ging er als Sieger vom Schlachtfeld: der Krebs. Siddhartha Mukherjee, Onkologe an der New Yorker Columbia University hat ...
The Official Fitness Model Program 14 Feb 2012 | 01:53 am
Jennifer Nicole Lee, Ms. Bikini America, Ms. Bikini Universe, and Author of the Finess Model Program She is poised, polished and statuesque with an athletic yet feminine build, as she stands tall at...
Steve Jobs: Stay hungry - Stay foolish! 4 Mar 2010 | 12:00 pm
Steve Jobs Rede zur Abschlussfeier an der Standford University 2005 Seit ich die Rede von Steve Jobs vor ein paar Jahren gehört habe hat sie mich nicht mehr losgelassen. Es ist eine der berührendsten...
FIST Albums: The Good and the Bad 24 Oct 2010 | 08:31 pm
The image of a fist is a universal sign of aggression, power and defiance yet there was a significant lack of albums featuring fists. I thought we’d be trawling through hundreds but it seems we have j...
Adobe Teams with asknet to Deliver Software to Students 31 Jan 2012 | 11:40 pm
Karlsruhe, January 31, 2012 – Adobe has selected Karlsruhe-based company asknet AG as the service provider to supply and distribute downloads to students and university staff. The partnership will all...
IU Northwest to host 5th annual FIRST® Lego® League Indiana Qualifying Tournament Nov. 20 17 Nov 2011 | 06:41 am
Share/Bookmark Thirty-one teams will vie for one of eight spots at Indiana Championship Tournament Gary, IN 11-16-2011 – Indiana University Northwest will host the 5th annual FIRST® Lego® League Ind...