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ScreenExtender similar to FullForce? 23 Mar 2013 | 02:52 am
We have actually seen tweaks in the past like FullForce which basically transform smartphone apps in to full screen iPad apps. Given that Apple guaranteed designers that adding main assistance for the...
HUDFade or how the small detail matters 18 Feb 2013 | 03:19 pm
HUDFade is a little tweak developed by HASHBANG productions, the same genius that developed the MapsOpener tweak few weeks back. HUDFade includes a fade like computer animation when adjusting your dev...
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Gold: Good Investment or Waste of Time? 16 Oct 2012 | 12:07 am
The United States holds 75% of the world's gold reserves, although demand is significantly higher in Turkey, India and China. Learn all about gold and the pros and cons of investing in this commodity.