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Developing iPhone Games with Unity on Windows 26 Jun 2011 | 03:36 am
Unity is a fantastic multi-platform game maker. One of the most special things about it is that it is able to create games for the iPhone that can be submitted to the App Store. The problem is that th...
Everything about iPhone 5 (full Features & Specifications) 9 Jan 2012 | 06:10 pm
Camera : 8MP+ camera in apple Iphone5, which is a significant boost over the iPhone 4′s 5 mexapixel sensor (Panoramic Camera Mode also included). Home Button: Now iPhone 4 has old home button, w...
Sbloccare iPhone 14 Oct 2011 | 08:12 pm
Sbloccare iPhone: come e perché Già poche settimane dopo la comparsa sul mercato americano del primo modello, migliaia di europei che lo avevano acquistato negli Stati Uniti hanno iniziato a chieders...
Уроки iPhone SDK: Как сделать 2.5D игру с помощью Unity (Часть 2) 9 Oct 2011 | 04:11 pm
Это вторая часть урока на тему “Как сделать простую 2.5D игру для iPhone с помощью Unity” В первой части мы получили базовое понимание о Unity и о написании кода на C#. Мы создали простую игру, в кото...
iPhone 5 With 12.6 Megapixel Camera + 1080p Video Recording Possible? 22 Apr 2011 | 06:40 pm
The famous company OmniVision, which is recognized for its production of of-the-box digital imaging solutions, it has now providing for iPhone 4 ,as the complete Apple with the back camera sensor. The...
iPhone 4G Ada Sensor Mimik Wajah 1 Mar 2010 | 05:19 pm
CALIFORNIA – Kecanggihan iPhone generasi terbaru, yaitu iPhone 4G terus terkuak. Walaupun sekedar isu, tentunya ini menjadi gambaran, seperti apa ‘wajah’ ponsel cerdas besutan Apple tersebut saat diri...
Nike+ Sensor and Running with iPhone 4 2 Feb 2012 | 02:20 pm
What started this whole “running watch review” thing was about two years ago when I wrote up an article on Free iPhone Apps for Runners, particular ones that used GPS. I had just started getting back ...
Nike+ GPS 24 Jan 2012 | 04:14 am
Grab your iPod nano and go — no accessories required. Or grab your iPod touch or iPhone 3GS or later, a pair of Nike+ shoes, and the Nike + iPod Sensor. Put the sensor in your Nike+ shoe — there’s a p...
iButterfly 12 Aug 2010 | 06:07 pm
"iButterfly" is an entertaining iPhone application using AR, motion sensor, and GPS functions to collect coupons. Through the iButterfly, we will deliver not only coupons but also diverse information ...
marditos sensores…. apple 28 Oct 2009 | 12:33 am
Pues siguiendo con mi entrada así no…. apple, en la que relato mi mala experiencia con el sensor de humedad del iphone y sus falsos positivos, leo en planeta iphone que: Los sensores de humedad que u...