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Faculty Orientation Schedule 26 Aug 2013 | 09:58 am
File: Faculty Orientation Schedule.pdf Download the Faculty Orientation Schedule for Semester I 2013/2014 read more
Library Orientation Schedule 26 Aug 2013 | 09:57 am
File: Library Orientation Schedule.pdf Download the Library Orientation Schedule for Semester I 2013/2014 read more
More university of guyana books related news:
Ritual and Medical Circumcision among Filipino boys 19 May 2007 | 02:44 am
TITLE: Ritual and Medical Circumcision among Filipino boys: Evidence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder AUTHOR(S): Samuel Ramos Gregory J. Boyle, Bond University DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Chapter Pre-prin...
Why Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators Matter in Gamification 18 Oct 2010 | 05:04 am
Dan Ariely, a Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University wrote a book titled Predictably Irrational where he describes the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivator...
Inheriting a New Prophecy Book 2 Uncensored by stargatesg1fan1 [Adults Only] 10 Jan 2013 | 04:42 am
This is the sequel to Inheriting a New Prophecy Book 2. Follow Harry as he continues his journey through the events of the Percy Jackson universe detailed in book two The Sea of Monsters. Warning: Con...
Middle East Studies Specialists Get It Wrong 11 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
An occasional series of bloopers. 1. Bruce K. Rutherford, associate professor of political science at Colgate University, published a book titled Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and Democracy ...
Don’t ‘bad talk’ UG on Facebook 26 Aug 2013 | 02:18 pm
Students attending the University of Guyana (UG) Turkeyen Campus for the academic year 2013/2014 were on Friday encouraged to challenge the university but asked to stop saying negative things about......
Mysterious Galaxy: 'A Universe of Wonderful Books' 27 Aug 2013 | 04:35 am
"I love these stores," author T. Jefferson Parker told Kings River Life magazine, which profiled the Mysterious Galaxy bookstores in San Diego and Redondo Beach, Calif. "Together they form not just tw...
Middle East Studies Specialists Get It Wrong [on Bruce K. Rutherford] 21 Aug 2013 | 12:19 am
An occasional series of bloopers. 1. Bruce K. Rutherford, associate professor of political science at Colgate University, published a book titled Egypt after Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam, and Democracy ...
UG to Re-open Online Application Process 3 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
The University of Guyana (UG) online application process will be opened for the second time from August 1 to midnight August 18, 2013. Students awaiting GCE, CAPE, CSEC, GTI and other examination re....
Outside & Subterranean Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (56): Some Quatrains from Sidi Abderrahman el Mejdub (Al Jadida, early 16C. –Meknes 1568) 17 Aug 2013 | 09:28 pm
Translation from Arabic by Abdelfetah Chenni & Pierre Joris [As originally published in Joris & Tengour, Poems for the Millennium, volume 4: The University of California Book of North African Li...
Outside & Subterranean Poems, a Mini-Anthology in Progress (56): Some Quatrains from Sidi Abderrahman el Mejdub (Al Jadida, early 16C. –Meknes 1568) 17 Aug 2013 | 09:28 pm
Translation from Arabic by Abdelfetah Chenni & Pierre Joris [As originally published in Joris & Tengour, Poems for the Millennium, volume 4: The University of California Book of North African Li...