Most unreal engine related news are at:

New Epic Game In The Works 6 Jul 2013 | 01:26 am
So it turns out that a new Unreal Tournament game isn't underway, but Epic Games is working on a "competitive online action game". Thanks to Selerox, Blue's and CVG for pointing out this job posting: ...
Killing Floor Summer Sideshow Begins 6 Jul 2013 | 01:17 am
It's that time of year when all the carnivals and their freaks make their rounds. Killing Floor's annual Summer Sideshow is upon us and, as usual, is available at no charge for anyone that owns the ga...
More unreal engine related news:
Unreal Engine 3 Exporting to Flash 11 Stage3D 5 Oct 2011 | 01:15 pm
It just got unreal! Unreal Engine 3 can export to Flash 11 with Stage3D as an export platform. This is amazing news for game development and provides a strong competitor to Unity for high end gaming...
أولى الصور من المحرك الجبّار Unreal Engine 4 20 May 2012 | 12:57 am
نشرت Epic Games الأستوديو المطور للمحرك الأسطورى Unreal Engine 3 بعض الصور من المحرك القادم Unreal Engine 4 و الذى نسخته السابقة (Unreal Engine 3) ظهر فى العديد من الألعاب مثل Mass Effect 3 و Batman A...
Gameloft baut auf Unreal Engine 26 Apr 2012 | 07:08 am
Gameloft hat vor einigen Minuten einen neuen Trailer auf ihrer YouTube Seite gepostet! Das Spiel March of Heroes ist auf der Unreal Engine gecodet und verspricht somit schon jetzt eine geniale Grafik!...
Unreal Engine 4 E3 2012'de 19 May 2012 | 08:44 am
Motor henüz çıkmadı fakat bi ön bilgilendirme konusu açmak istedim.Epic Games önceki 2 motorla çok başarılı adımlar izledi(UE2,UE3) kısa bir süre önce Epic Games Asıl Bombayı yaparak UE4'ten ilk sızın...
Чем открыть upk? 17 Mar 2012 | 06:46 am
Файл с расширением UPK это файл игрового движка Unreal Engine 3, который используется во многих играх: Unreal Tournament 3, Mass Effect, Mirror’s Edge и BioShock, выступает в качестве файла-контейнера...
"Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript" Book 31 Jan 2012 | 01:08 am
Tags: books, for beginners, game engines, udk, unreal engine 3 Publishing house Packt Publishing, which is specialized on IT books in a whole and game development and game engines books in a particul...
NEXON Mobile Licenses Unreal Engine 3 for its new iOS title, Combat Arms: Zombies 29 Oct 2011 | 07:55 am
DMG Author: News fps.jpg The 3D first person shooter to be released this November 119 Comments read more
TERA Online 12 Apr 2012 | 10:45 am
Sofort spielen? Dann jetzt einen TERA Online Key kaufen und im Preisvergleich von den besten Preis bekommen. TERA ist dank der Unreal Engine 3 ohne Zweifel grafisch eins der besten Online-R...
Infinity Blade: Dungeons - Видео геймплея 19 May 2012 | 07:19 pm
19.05.2012.Очередной хит от Epic Games, Inc скоро придет на iOS. Название игры - Infinity Blade: Dungeons, которая разрабатывается на ,любимом нам, движке Unreal Engine.
تحديث لعبة الاكشن infinity blade العب الجماعي 18 May 2011 | 10:24 am
ألعاب الايفون وتحديث جديدة للعبة الايفون الجديدة لعبه الاكشن والعب اون لاين جماعي لعبة رائعة من الالعاب الجماعية الرائعة لمن لا يعرف، اللعبة تعمل على Unreal Engine 3، وهو محرك جرافيك في غاية القوة للا...